Waking Up

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Edward's P.O.V

"Are you okay?"I asked the random kid lying on the ground.He blinked a couple times before his eyes opened up."What the h-"He was about to curse but Esme covered his mouth,"Language, young man.And what's your name?"She asked while extending a hand for him to grab.

He grabbed her hand and we all helped lift him up."My names Nathan.Nathan Storm, ma'am."He said extending his hand.Esme shook it and smiled,"This is my family,my husband Carlisle,my sons Edward,Jasper,and Emmett.My daughters Rosalie,Alice,and Bella.My granddaughter Renesmee and my grandson-in-law Jacob.oh and my great granddaughter Rosaline."Esme said gesturing to everyone.

As soon as Nathan's eyes landed on Rosaline his heart beat quickened.

'Oh.My.God.She's hot,no gorgeous.Like I've never seen anyone as well utterly beautiful as she is.Just wow.'The kid thought while looking at my granddaughter

'Wow,this guy is hot,look at his arms,wow.Jeez his shirt squeezes his arms and body in all the right places.Wait,Gramps you here this don't you?'Rosaline asked looking at me.I nodded before turning my gaze back to Nathan.

They both stared at each other for awhile before Nathan shook his head,"So um,where am I exactly?"He asked glancing around.

Emmett slapped a hand on his back and said,"Well kid your in a lovely town called Forks."Nathan looked at Emmett as if he were speaking another language.'This guy has to be kidding,Forks isn't real,or is it,apparently it is,wait if this is Forks,than this must be the Cullen clan,who happen to be vamps which means..Edward,can you hear me?'The kid asked in his thoughts.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow,"Um,how do you know what we are?"I asked him.'Well,of course the Cullens wouldn't know that there's a book about them in another world,wait,you can here me can't you dude?'The kid looked at me and said,"You apparently just heard all that so let me clarify." He moved over to a rock and sat down."You guys aren't real,or at least in another world your not,cause your clearly real right now.But there's this other world,where I come from,that has this book that basically explains everything about you guys."Nathan said in a rush..

We all looked at him and Emmett shrugged and said,"That explains it I guess,so if you don't mind me asking,how did you get here from this 'other world' of yours?"Nathan looked at Emmett and said,"I really have no idea,I was supposed to be getting ready for a party but I fell in my closet and here I am."He shrugged.

Alice's eyes went blank as she was pulled into a vision:


"Listen Rosaline,I care about you a lot,but what would your dad say or better yet the rest of your family.I'm not like you your a vampire I'm human,this could work but only with a cost."Nathan said to Rosaline,while holding her hands staring lovingly into her eyes.He wiped a tear from her cheek and kissed her.

End of Vision.

"Alice what the heck was that?!" I asked Alice.'Well Edward you clearly don't understand the fact that Rosaline just either mated or imprinted on Nathan they're going to be together eventually.'Alice thought to me.

I looked at Rosie and Nathan and back and forth until I saw the flicker of love in their eyes.But considering they just met I guess they don't realize it yet.

Nathan's P.O.V.

I looked up at everyone and again my eyes landed on Rosaline.Honestly I have no idea what I'm feeling but it's confusing.

"So,um,let's not be rude to this young man."Carlisle said gesturing to me."Let's get home,and bring the guest with us."

I looked at everyone and raised an eyebrow,"You guys know I can't run at the speed of light right?"I asked looking at them.

They nodded and Emmett threw me over his shoulder and took off.I have to admit it's kinda cool moving so fast,really I get why vamps like running so much.

Emmett stopped running and put me down.I looked up at him and he was smirking down at me.I shook my head and walked up the porch, and waited at the door.

All the Cullens ran up and Esme opened the door and we all walked in.I looked around in amazement,"Wow,the book does absolutely no justice to  how amazing this place really is.."I said looking at it.

Everyone chuckled and walked to the living room.I followed them and the only seat left was next to Rosaline.I slowly walked over to her and sat down.When our legs brushed together I felt a small shock.

I looked at Emmett and smirked,"What no snide comments or smart remarks or oh even better pranks?"I asked.He smiled and shook his head,"Sorry kiddo but you'd have to stick around for that."I smiled and then looked over at Rosaline,"Um,would you,um,show me the garden?"I asked.

I looked at Renesmee and Jacob and said,"If that's okay with you guys I mean."Renesmee said,"okay"at the same time Jacob said,"hell no."Renesmee smacked his leg and looked at Rosaline,"Go ahead and be careful."

I stood up and held my hand out for her to take.As we walked out we never let go because I really enjoyed the feeling of having her hand in mine.

"So,what are you exactly?"I asked her.She shrugged,"I'm not sure when I turn seventeen I'm either going to phase or the venom will take over my system and I will become a vamp."She said.

We walked to a bench and sat down.I looked at her and smiled,"You know,I don't know if anyone ever told you this but,your extremely beautiful."I said looking into her eyes.She blushed and looked down and for the life of me I couldn't help but think of how adorable she looked when she blushed.

I put my thumb and finger under her chin lifting her head,"Don't be shy,though your blush is adorable."I said smiling.

Subconsciously we both started leaning in and right when we were about to kiss Emmett ran out and grabbed her running back in.I smiled and shook my head.I walked back in and took my seat next to Rosaline.

Edward looked at me and asked,"What the heck do you think your doing trying to kiss my granddaughter?" And I froze.

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