Winifred Backstory Part I

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Late update, but i've decided on Wednesday's i'm not going to do a full update because school and I have a big assessment at the end of the month for my AP and Honor classes so basically no free time. So here is a BRIEF PART of Winifred's background story since I totally dint leave any room for explanations in my chapter. BUT enjoy this introduction of a briefing of her life!

-- Not Edited 

Winifred's Background:

Growing up Wini always wanted to be accepted and adopted. At age five, all of her friends she's made at the adoption center got adopted. This confused Wini, 'How come no one will ever adopt me or my brother?'

"Honey, look at your skin color, and look at everyone else's. No one adopts black children. You're just too... ghetto." Said one of nanny's.

Ever since then, Wini isolated herself from everyone else, except for Chance of course. At age seven, she befriended books and at the time, the only books they had available at the orphanage where, Psychology, Sociology and Literature books. So thats what she read, over and over again until she memorized every single detail of the books, which concluded her Eidetic Memory.

Age ten, her and Chance where put in a foster home, with a bunch of other little kids. Their foster mom, Tammy, was one of the typical 'I take in kids for only the money' type of foster moms. As long as you did what Ms.Tammy said, she was alright. Chance hated it their, he was the oldest and the only boy. But Winifred loved it, Ms.Tammy used to be a High School teacher before she let the drugs take over. But in her house, she had books everywhere.

Ms.Tammy always payed close attention to Winifred as she was the only black little girl, she noticed how it took Winifred literally minuets to read a six hundred page book and then she was on to the next one. Ms.Tammy was curious, so she pulled out one of the old SAT books and let little ten year old Winifred take. An hour later, she was finished and aced.

At eleven years old, Winifred started Highschool in a gifted program.

She was fifteen years old when she graduated college with as Valedictorian and a perfect GPA score of 4.0, meaning she scored nothing lower than 100.

The following year, she started college, majoring in the Art of Psychology. Since that was the first book she ever read and how she go to where she is now.

On her sixteenth birthday, Ms.Tammy overdosed and died in the hospital, meaning that every kid that was living with her had to go back to the orphanage, but not for long, Chance had a job and was making money for at least an acceptable apartment for himself and Wini since he was nineteen.

Now at 22, she was slightly known for being the Youngest to graduate from Yale, living with a super star thats mostly known in the UK and a future Rapper as her brother. 

Please, like,comment and share, i'd love feed back! -- AQS.

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