The Borons

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There he was.

Walking down the hallway, flipping his frosted blonde hair, his muscles flexing. He was the kind of boy that would make any girl drop dead, including myself. He's also dating one of the most popular girls in school. If she walks into room, everyone's jaw instantly drops. She's drop-dead gorgeous, athletic, smart... everything a boy could hope for.

I'm not.

I'm a klutzy, awkward, band geek who loves Star Trek, Castle, Doctor who, and freaks out every time I get a grade below a ninety-five. I'm a classic nerd, glasses and all.

I looked down at my monstrous stack of binders, wondering approximately how long it would be before my arms gave out. But instead of calculating the mass of my books, I couldn't stop staring at him. The way his eyes glimmered, his hair shined, and his smile... He was perfect.

I watched intently as he slammed his locker, shoving his books as he began walking nonchalantly to class. I let out a sigh.

It was hopeless.

He's never noticed me. Never looked at me. Never said anything. I feel like a complete stalker knowing so much about him when he doesn't even know I exist. As I was in the middle of my self-pity-party, the bell rang.

"Crap! Crap! Crap!" I muttered religiously as I snuck into Technology just before attendance. I made it unnoticed, thank the Lord.

I felt someone poke my back so I turned around to see my friend, Matt. I managed to catch a glimpse of him smirking before he quickly turned around.

"Hey, Matt." I said, ruining his attempt at a surprise.

"Oh, Erica! I just noticed you here!" He said, attempting to bluff.

"Matt, I know better than most people that you can't act, and you definitely can't sing. Thanks for the poke..." I said as I poked him back. Then came a full on poke war, until I finally managed to resist jabbing him on his collarbone again.

I had just started working on my power-point explaining Photovoltaic systems when I heard what sounded like a tone deaf walrus dying behind me.


Matt sang so off key. It had to be on purpose. He kept at it, until I forgot to hold my laughter back. When my fit ended, Matt's face was twisted into a mischievous grin, while the entire class was staring at me. Immediately, I sank down into my chair, hoping to blend in to the dark blue plastic. When the stares had disintegrated, I finished my power-point and headed up to the teacher for him to check it over.

I almost dropped my laptop when I looked over to see a pair of caramel-brown eyes staring at me. He looked away immediately, of course, but as he did, his chocolate-brown hair shined as he flipped his head away.

He looked at me.

And all I could do was blink.

I never thought he knew I existed. He'd never spared a glance, never said a word, but he was staring at me. Right there. In the middle of Technology. Right then, I discovered what a major panic attack was. I blinked yet again, and everything was black.


I woke up in the nurse's office with Matt on one side of me. He was the first one I saw. I put my hand on my head in an attempt to soothe the throbbing pain.

"What happened?" I asked woozily. All Matt did was blush and point to the other side of me. I hesitantly turned around and saw someone sitting on the bed. My hand clutched my forehead even tighter when I saw who it was.

It was Chase with his caramel colored eyes, the same ones that made me faint. They were looking me over intently. And then, He said his first words to me:

"Are you okay?"

It took all I had not to faint all over again.


Author's note:

Ello~! It's my prologue, Yey! XD There;s probably a lot of spelling mistakes. No stupid spellcheck?! Grr. Oh well. This is kind short, but it intorduces the three main characters. It gets better. :3


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