Chapter I - Alarmed

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~Chapter 1~







I awoke with a jolt due to the fact that both of my alarm clocks went off at once. Still half asleep, All I could do was groan and pull my warm comforter over my head, hoping to hide from the world and sleep until all of my problems were over.


Another groan escaped from my mouth as I grudgingly got up from my warm, comfy bed. I had the urge to just crawl back into bed and tune out the world, but I had to go to school. What if Chase talked to me again? What if he forgot about me already? More and more questions swarmed through my brain as I made my way into the kitchen. All I could do was plop down in a comfy chair by the fireplace and drink the hot cocoa my mom had made. All the questions stopped as I embraced the warmth of the fire and settled down in the chair, my thoughts roaming on about music and art. Before I know it, I hear a clock chime behind me. I find myself slumped down in the chair, the hot cocoa spilled all over my jammies, with my mother staring down at me disapprovingly, shaking her head. I jumped up and ran to my room, took off my hot cocoa-soaked pajamas, put on a tsirt and jeans, attempted to brush my hair, and ran downstairs, slipping shoes on as I went. My hair was still a mess, I didn't have makeup on, but I couldn't be late to school. I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door, almost slipping as I went. I sprinted to my bus stop, hyperventilating when I finally got there. I had to grab ahold of the stop sign to slow myself down. I turned around, and there was Matt and Aria, looking at me amusedly.

"Fall asleep in front of the fireplace again?" Aria asked plainly.

"Well, Hi to you too, Aria."

"MATT SAYS HELLO!" Matt screamed, flailing his arms around aimlessly.

Perfect. Facepalm. Synchronization.

"I noticed." I tried to hold back a smile.

"What about Tech yesterday? Why did you pass out?" Sometimes it seemed as if Aria could only ask questions. But she was concerned, I was glad I had someone who was.

"...He looked at me." I said quietly, trying to make sure Matt didn't hear me.


"Well, someone's excited. It's hopeless. He's with Summer, remember? I don't stand a chance with-"

"BUT HE LOOKED AT YOU! And, I hear they're breaking up."

"Please, don't gossip. You know I hate that." I begged.

"...Right. Sorry." She always forgot how much I hated rumors.

"MATT WANTS TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" He could be so obnoxious sometimes. It was effective, though. Aria and I couldn't stop laughing until the bus came. As the bus pulled up, Aria got on first, then Matt, but when I tried to get on, I slipped. On black ice. In front of a full bus. Just Great. Chase is on my bus. He probably is embarassed to have ever met me by now. Then I took a deep breath, pushedmyself up, and prepared myself for the prison known as "The Bus". As soon as I got on, People started attempts to trip me, humiliate me, and just about every other form of torture possible. Then I felt a strong tug at my backpack. I tried to fight it, but instead of pulling me down, it pulled me into a seat. I... I actually got INVITED to sit with someone? Probably some cre- I was caught off mid thought to face none but Chase. Of course, it had to be him. Of all people. As I as about to have another Panic Attack, He put his hand on my back, and his other hand on my shoulder, making sure I wouldn't fall. 

"Hey." He just said something to me. Talk, Erica. Speak! Now! SAY HI BACK, STUPID. MOUTH, MOVE. UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, Okay? No? Not going to work?

"H-Hi..." My mouth! It works!

He put on a lopsided smile that paralyzed me. "What's up, Erica?"

He said my name! HE KNOWS MY FREAKING NAME! Now is not the time to fangirl, calm down. Calm. Down. "Uh.... The cosmos?" THAT WAS THE WORST ATTEMPT AT A JOKE EVER! WHY WOULD YOU EVER SAY THAT!?

Chase let out a snicker. Wait, He thought that was funny? Inconceivable. I snickered a little at my mental joke. Chase's smile faded slightly.

"What? Is there something on my face??" He started rubbing his hands all over his face to make sure nothing was there. I couldn't help but laugh more at the picture.

"No... There's nothing on you're face! I.... It's just... Uh... Princess bride refrence." I said halfway in between a panic and a laugh.

"INCONCEIVABLE!" He yelled impulsively befor breaking out into laughter.

"You... You've seen the movie?"

To prove his point, he puts on a 'threatening' -I say that in quotes- face to say "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" in the worst spanish accent I've ever heard. Before I knew it, we were both doubled over in laughter, out of breath, and looking right into each other's eyes. An unexpected jolt of adreneline shot through my body, and I looked away fast. I couldn't look at him. I had been staring at the ground for about 2 seconds, when I felt someone grab my chin lovingly with three fingers and turn it back towards Chase. I looked down, and Chase was the one who made sure I was facing him. He sighed.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?"

"What?!" I said in a panic. "Me? No. I'm an unpopular, ugly, nerd who no one likes until three days before a test." I paused in thought. "Wait a second..."

He put one finger on my lips to stop my rant. "No. That's not why. You really are cute." He brushed a piece of stray hair out of my face as I recoiled. No. This isn't happenning. This is a dream. You're still in front of the fireplace, Erica. Wake up! He pulled back, slightly alarmed and said softly, "Can't you tell when someone's trying to flirt?" as he pushed by me and got off the bus. He likes me. But, he can't! He's dating Summer. He's popular, I'm the head Nerd. It doesn't work like that! I got off the bus angry at myself. As I was at my locker, I saw someone put their hand on the locker beside me. It was Matt.

"Hey, Matt." I said, slamming my books into my poor, small, excuse for a locker.

"Hey. Are you okay?"


"Why not?"

"No reason."

"I saw Chase treat you like that on the bus."


"He shouldn't do that. Don't let him take advantage of you, Erica." He grabbed ahold of my shoulders for effect. He could be so sweet. I brushed his hands off and slammed my locker shut, kneeing it to make sure it closed.

"Look, it's no big deal. I know better." I playfully punched him in the arm.

He punched me back. "Erica, Smile! I'm not used to seeing you like this. SMIIILE!!!!" He yelled so loud that the teachers down the hallway had to shush us. I couldn't help but laugh. "THERE WE GO!" This made me kaugh more. I fell because I was laughing so hard, but Matt caught me. "But one more thing-"


"Just because I said it's not cool, doesn't mean what he said isn't true." He said, while scurrying off to first period. I was about to call after him, but When I realized what he had said, he was already far away.

My best friend called me freaking cute.


Author's note:

Ohaidere! C'est moi!

OHMYGOSH CHASE LIKES ERICA? CHASE FLIRTED WITH ERICA!?!? MATT CALLED ERICA CUTE?!?! CHASE CALLED ERICA CUTE!?!? I sense a plot coming on. XD Anyways, it's a short chapter. Oh well! I'll write longer ones. Also- NOTICE THE BEAUTIOUS COVER. MADE BY MOI. I changed the name. I know, it sounds stupid, but all will be explained in the next chapter.



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