Rumor had it

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Fine. It was a stupid name.

But, Hey! They went with it!

They could've changed it if they wanted to.


Plus, it WAS mainly Matt's idea. The Borons. Pfft. Really? Sometimes I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with him.

Yet another Tech class gone wrong. Tech is so easy for me! No one else gets it. So, whiel our teacher goes over how Phosphorus is on the negative side of a PV cell, and Boron is on the Positive side, my friends and I basically get to goof off in the back corner of the room. Generally, it starts as just Aria and I talking about random things. This time, Aria started our conversation on the wrong foot. She put a folded up piece of paper on my desk, with the words

Hey, Erica! Rumor has it that Chase is breaking up with summer for someone else.

Rumor HAD it. I wrote back.

As you may know by now, I hate rumors. In the fifth grade, Summer started saying the most stupid things about me. "Erica has a crush on Marshall Spock!"- This one was one of the stupidest. I mean, really? If you're gonna make fun of me for liking star trek, do your research. "All Erica does is sit in her room and watch her precious Doctor Who" that one may have been partially true. PARTIALLY. Sixth grade- "Did you know Erica had to sleep with the Math teacher to get a passing grade?" Uh, Ew. Never. Ever. "She's so stupid, I hear that she's gone through 47 tutors!" Wow, Real creative. But she came up with one last year that hit me in the gut.

"Erica. Likes. Chase."

Yes. It was true, but that doesn't mean she had to start a string of rumors about it. I've always been a Nerd- Trying to blend into the lockers. I was never one of the people who's name was plastered over the bathroom walls. But in 6th grade, it was. Summer started it, and everyone but Matt and Aria eventually jumped at the chance to make me feel like scum. For all of the sixth grade, the bathroom walls looked something like this:

Hey, I hear Erica likes Chase.

Yeah, maybe she'll sneak into his room @ nite and ya know (Insert gross picture here)


But she'd do it.


I thnk I saw dem sukin' face yesterday


Heck, yea.

Then, thankfully, Aria butted in.

Okay, guys. First of all, your grammar stinks worse than the bathroom itself. And second; Erica would never do any of that. She doesn't break into people's houses to... You know. That's just wrong. Don't say that stuff.

Although I really appreciated what she did, but it only went downhill from there. Most of the rumors didn't bug me, but for some reason, the one that was ACTUALLY TRUE did. Then, they started bringing Aria into it.

Shut up, Ariel. Go back to your hot chocolate and Girl Scout cookies.

Yea, we talkin serious s*** here.

All I could do was to tell her to stop. I didn't want her good rep ruined because of me. She didn't deserve that. All of a sudden, my flashback was broken by someone calling my name.

"Erica?" Aria was looking at me, obviously amused.

I shook my head, shaking away the flashback. "Sorry. What were we talking about?"

"The club. You zoned out. Again."

"Sorry!!!" It wasn't my fault that I zoned out. Okay, so it was. No big deal.

"SO! The name. What about 'SFTHPOPP'?" Matt interjected.

Aria and I glanced at each other for a moment and start laughing uncontrollably. In between our bouts of giggles, I managed to get out a "WHAT?!" before I went back to laughing.

Matt scoffed and feigned hurt, putting his hand over his heart. "The Society for Historical Preservation of Pocket Protectors, duh."

Aria and I were doubled over in laughter at the thought of that. Meanwhile, the technology teacher was yelling "BORON!!! BORON IS POSITIVE!" and one of the populars snickered and pointed towards our group, and saying "More like morons..."

All of a sudden, an idea comes to mind. "What if we called our club 'The Borons'?"

Their reaction was not one that I expected.


Author's note:

Hi, those of you who are reading this!! AKA No one. XD CLIFFHANGER. Boom. Sorry, I'm horrible. I haven't updated in forever... D: Sorry. DOCTOR WHO FOREVER, AND DON'T BLINK!


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