Eternity is Five Minutes

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My mind was lost when I once awoke. I tried to think what the hell happened to me. How had I gotten here? Where was here? What was going on? All I knew was I was a vampire, laying on the cold unforgiving ground, sore and tired.....

Awake from your trance my child. And I had a voice in my head...Elsiph....fabulous.

"Yes master," I said to myself quietly, sarcastically. Slowly, I shook myself out of the groggy, sleepy state I was in, despite my body screaming at me to say "the hell with it" and roll over. As I blinked myself back to planet Earth, I became aware of the wind's cruel bite and wrapped my arms around my shivering body. My eyes darted around, examining my surroundings, that is, until I realized there was only a single tree shielding me from the vicious world. "What the hell," I whispered.

You needn't be worried. You are under my protection child. I was honestly getting sick of being called a child all the time by whatever Elsiph was. Regardless of Elsiph's calm words, I managed to start stressing anyways. Where the hell was I? Your freedom came at a high cost. But let the casualties aside. You have more important matters. The greater good rests on your freedom and survival. Casualties!?

"Elsiph, this isn't funny! Where am I!?" I spat. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for an answer that never came. Tears bubbled up in my eyes. Whether they were from anger, fear, or some other emotion, I didn't know. But strong, unexplainable emotion wisped over me. I felt like I was gonna hurl.

The leaves of the tree rustled loudly as the wind took one bit after another of me making me wish I had a jacket. I stood up and looked around again. Okay Destiny, I told myself, focus. This time I saw more. Immediately surrounding me was the lone tree with only dirt and rubble around it, like the ground under and around the area had died in a horrible explosion. In the distance I saw a wall. I turned to gaze in the opposite direction, all I saw was more dirt and rubble. The only life I could see was the tree. A tree surrounded by what seemed to be death, and an undead monster.

You are no monster. Trust in me and you will find out your destiny soon enough. My destiny...? I let out a long sigh and took slow, unsteady steps toward the wall. The closer I got, the more it looked like an explosion had occurred. The wall itself was probably only half its original size. It was cracked and torn up. The top was jagged and destroyed. A door stood cracked about a third of the way past where the wall started. I made my way to that door, hoping the other side looked better than this wasteland. As I reached out to push the door open, a gust of wind threw me off balance and onto the dusty floor. It took a minute to stand back up and regain my balance, and the help of the wall. But I stood again and swung open the door. A figure lay, sprawled out, on the cold ground.

"Uhm, hello? Are you okay?" I asked as I approached slower still. Nothing. "Uhm, I'm Destiny. If you need my help, just say something." Nothing. I was almost to the body now and I could see it shaking slightly, probably from the cold. It looked like a boy. Ghastly white skin, short, slim body, long, curly black hair. He seemed oddly familiar, but his head was turned away from me. I kneeled down next to him. "Hello? Kid?" I reached out to roll him toward me, but before I touched him another gust of cold air thrust itself upon me, making me retract my arm slightly. "Shit, that's cold." I reached out again and rolled him over to reveal his deep blue eyes. Suddenly I was surrounded by a familiar place. A home? My home maybe? I looked down at this kid, who was standing asking me something. I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear anything, but he was talking. Focus. I did...

"...requested by law to attend this event and you are expected to be there. Now please come with me." Pain shot through my body and I doubled over. My head started to throb and dizziness swept over me. I hoped I would die soon so this would stop.

I snapped back to reality and felt waves of pressure crashing against my skull. Suddenly I didn't like reality so much. It hurt. Images of fighting, a dead person with vampire fang marks on his neck, the kid, a boy with golden eyes, an oddly punk looking lady in scrubs, white walls, golden eye boy coughing up blood, a swirling storm, and a prison cell flashed brightly in my mind making the world around me null and void. Until everything stopped. The world seemed to be on pause.

"Benny..." I whispered. Okay, now I was spooked. An odd smell filled the air. It wasn't hard to identify, I was just really slow right now. It was stale blood. I looked closer at the kid, Benny was his name, and saw black stains all over and a gash through his neck. Oh my god... I jumped up so fast I thought I was gonna fall back over. You remember. I remembered everything. Killing Kyle, Jarren, the two weird men and Benny, the prison and hospital. Jarren. My mind was racing, but I managed to linger on thoughts of Jarren. He had been with me before the prison cell. Where was he now? The word casualties lingered in my mind. He couldn't be gone. Forget him....

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" Anger flared in me. I felt my eyes begin to burn red.

Nothing else mattered. I had to find Jarren.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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