Memory of Two

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My eyes flickered open as I regained consciousness. Where was I? Confused, I shot up. Pain flooded over my body and a wave of dizziness swept over me. Something wasn't right...Something didn't seem like normal... Perhaps it was the fact that I had no memory of what had happened prior to being in this room. Maybe it was the concerned looking boy sitting next to me, holding my hand, whispering to me... But what was going on!?

"Dez!! You're awake!" the boy said, smiling widely. He looked very relieved to see me, but why? Who was he? I stayed quiet and stared at him. This was all too weird, and freaky. "Destiny?" he looked at me, concern flowed behind his golden eyes. "Destiny, what's wrong?"

In response to him I just shuddered. I felt like I knew him, but something gripped my memory and held me back. Why did he look so familiar? Who was he?

"Dez, please it's me, Jarren. Please tell me what's wrong," he begged and wrapped his arms around me. I loved the warmth he gave, but I was still cautious. His hand stroked my back gently and I could tell he was holding back something. Something that was probably important to my memory.

I looked around the dark room. An unconscious man lay in the corner. What the!? My eyes widened in terror. Who was this boy!?

"Dez? What's wrong?"

"Who are you!?" I finally blurted out while I trembled. I was terrified; but who wouldn't when they woke up in an odd place with a dude that seemed to be dead in the corner?

"Destiny, it's me. I'm Jarren, your boyfriend," he told me looking pained and confused. The look on his face was sad and hurt. I didn't want to think that I had done that to him. But seriously, someone needed to tell me what was happening! Tears bubbled in my red, burning eyes. Was he really my boyfriend? How could I be so sure he was telling me the truth? And yet, something inside me believed him, or at least wanted to.

"Jarren?" I asked cautiously. His eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes, it's me, Jarren. You hit your head pretty hard, but I had hoped you would be fine," his golden eyes flickered down. They were such gorgeous eyes. He looked sincere when he talked to me; I'd be cautious, but I'd give him a chance. Jarren looked back up at me, eyes flooding me with warmth and love. "Please tell me you remember me love," he sounded like he was about to be utterly defeated, yet hope edged the silk of his smooth voice.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know, I can't really remember anything. I woke up and saw you and that man over there," my eyes flickered to the corner then shot back to the boy. "But if it makes you feel any better, you look familiar. I feel like I know you, and that I know you well. So do I?"

"Yes Destiny, you know me very well. And I promise you I will do anything in my power to help you my sweet. I want you to remember. So please let me help you," he begged subtly. I wanted his help, I felt like I could trust him. Plus, the way he was looking at me, with his big, beautiful, golden eyes warmed my soul. That decided it, I would go with him.

"O-okay Jarren. You can help m-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he was hugging me as tightly as he could. "UGH!" I grunted. He let go. Sudden amusement at his excitement bombarded me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, didn't mean to squeeze you that much," Jarren looked down, cheeks red. I couldn't help but giggle a little. Maybe this would turn out fine. Maybe I'll end up remembering him and everything will end happily ever after. But really, there was no way I could predict the future, so I really couldn't call these shots.

"It's okay," I hugged him back. "And if I remember anything I'll be sure to let you know."

"I love you Dez!" he hugged me again, but more gentle this time. "I promise I will not let you get hurt. I will protect you, my love." I felt my cheeks heat up. He loved me. This hot dude, staring at me with beautiful, golden drops of heaven, loved me. ME, the dark vampire. Hm, looks like I remember myself pretty well. But that wouldn't really be a good thing, seeing as how I didn't seem, or feel, like a very interesting creature.

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