Chapter 3

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Bang! I hear a thunderstorm outside. I'm so scared I can't move. I hear voices yelling, a woman is screaming and crying, I'm hiding in a dark place, I have no idea where it is but at least I'm safe.
"No! Stop it! Please!" The woman screams and then I hear a gun shot. I hear about five more until there was silence. Where am I?

I wake up with a sudden jolt, panting for air. It was that nightmare again. I look around and realise I'm not in my bedroom. I see the tv still playing so I get up and turn it off. I turn around and see Cody snuggled up to Lucas, both fast asleep. I smile and quietly tip toe out of the games room without waking up my dads. I shut the door behind me and make my way to my bedroom. I make sure to shut my door quietly just in case the walls weren't sound proof and turn on my lights.

Stupid idea.

The light in my room makes me squint because of the brightness. I make my way towards the bathroom. I think it might be a good idea to have a shower, I take my clothes off and step in.

Damn, that was the nicest shower I have ever had. I dress in my oversized tee and head back down to the kitchen. I walk silently down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I drink it, the coolness running down my throat. I hear footsteps come towards the dining room and see Lucas. He sees me and smiles, "Hey sweetheart what you doing up at this time?" He asks me. I pick up my glass. "Oh ok...." I turn back to the sink and wash up the dishes lying in the water. "I'm going to work today so you'll be staying with your dad for the day" Lucas tells me. I nod and turn to face him. I glance at the clock above him. 5:39 already, jeez. I start to walk off but stop in front of Lucas. I give him a bear hug and then let go. What am I doing? I'm getting too attached now, I can't do this they're gonna give me back in a few months I know they will, but some sort of force overpowered me to hug him. I rush out of there before he could say anything. I go back to my room and hop into my bed and lay there slowly drifting off to sleep.

I wake up when hear the sound of someone knocking on my door. I look at the alarm clock. 10:15, urgh too early. I walk over to the door and peek my head around the door. "Morning sweetie, get dressed I'm going to take you out to a spa today" Cody says. A spa? These people are spoiling me so much. But I wouldn't mind a nice massage. I nod and shut my door. I go into my closet and grab out my loose cropped camouflage tank hoodie and ripped white shorts. I make my way down to the foyer and into the kitchen where I met Cody. "I made you some Wheatbix darling its in the dining room" I nod and go into the dining room. Cody comes in after with his own bowl. I quietly say my morning Grace while Cody eats away and stares at me but I didn't make it too obvious that I knew that. I start eating quietly, "Bailey why do you wait before eating?" He asks me. I look up at him. I didn't want to tell him otherwise he might want to join me or he might kick me out of here because I was Catholic. I shrug at him and put my bowl away. I take his after and walk back to him. "Alright you good to go?" I nod. I follow him out onto the porch. "I'll get my car and we can go" Cody walks off and I wait patiently. His car drives into view and I get in the front seat. It wasn't the Porsche Panamera Turbo I had been in but a Ferrari F60 America. Shit, this costs about 2.5 million bucks. These guys are definitely rich as hell.

We arrive twenty minutes later and we park in the car park. I get out and wait for Cody. I look up at the sign, we are at Daylesford spa center. Cody comes out and I follow him into the foyer. We walk up to the receptionist. "Hello, welcome to Daylesford spa center how can I help you?" Says the lady. She looks very pretty like model pretty. She has a slim body and red ringlets falling over her shoulders, her eyes were a bright baby blue color with full red lips. "Just a spa for two please" Cody replies.
"Ok, are you look for a massage too?"
"Yes we are"
"Ok, is it for both of you or just one?"
Cody looks at me, "Do want a massage?" I shake my head. He turns back to the receptionist. "Just for me thanks"
"Your massage will be at one forty-five pm with Aldolf Cooper"
"Ok thank you"
"Just head that way to enter the spa change rooms, girls on the left and boys the right" Cody and I walk into the change rooms. I get changed into my robe and head out meeting Cody. "Honey since we can't go into the same spa together I'll meet you back here at two fifteen okay" I nod and we separate. I go into the female spa room and the warm air hit me. I look around and my gaze lands on the sauna. Seems good enough. I walk towards it and grab a body towel. I look if anyone was watching and I quickly take my robe off and wrap the towel around me, I step into the sauna and I sit down and enjoy.

Hours past and I make my way down to the changing rooms. I get dressed into my casual clothes and I walk into  the foyer and wait for Cody.

He comes out into the foyer moments later and walks towards me. "Hey sweetheart did you have fun?" I nod. "That's good, I definitely needed that massage I feel so much better" I smile at him and we leave.

We arrive back home. I see that Lucas was already inside and I make my way to the porch. I open the door and head towards the kitchen and see Lucas leaning against the counter. He sees me and grins. "Hi sweetheart" I smile at him and get myself a glass of water. Cody comes in and he walks towards Lucas and snuggles into him. "I was thinking maybe we should go out to dinner tonight" Lucas says.
"That'll be great hon" Cody replies. "What do you think Bailey?" I nod in agreement. "Do you have anywhere in mind?" Cody asks.
"How about Chez Llama"

"It's a bit expensive don't you think?"

"Nonsense it's not that expensive"

"Okay if you say so"

"Come on let's go"

We drive off, I stay quiet while Lucas and Cody were in deep conversation. I stare out of the window studying the things outside. I see that there are clouds rolling in the night sky. I hope there isn't another thunderstorm. I sit back in the chair and sigh. Cody looks back at me, "Is there anything wrong sweetheart?" He asks. I jerk my head towards the window. He looks out, "Don't worry sweetie I don't think there's going to be a thunderstorm tonight" he says. "And if there is we'll be here by your side until it's over" I nod and look back out the window.

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