Once Again • N •

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(A/N: For Tae_Hyung_Trash I am sorry for the delay as I was very busy for the past few days. I hope you'll enjoy the submission :)

Also to the other submissions, I will try to get them done when I have time, I don't want to rush the request and not make a good quality story, I hope you understand.)

Smut Warning!!!


"Y/N-ah!! Let's play outside!!" My mother called me when she heard Hakyeon's name.

"Take care like always," I gave my mother a hug and a kiss before leaving. It was particularly cold today so as I ran out I took my scarf off the coat hanger and left the house closing the door behind. Outside Hakyeon was waiting for me with his ball and tiny bag.

"Let's go to the park." We both held hands and walked together, we both had our secret spot and luckily today there wasn't much other kids.

"Lets go on the swings!" Hakyeon placed his bag and ball down and he helped me get on the swing and pushed me to get a head start. "YAYYY!!" We cheered and swung together.

"I CAN GO HIGHER!!" Looking at Hakyeon swinging more until he jumped off the at the highest point of his swing. "Race you!!" I halted and chased Hakyeon to our secret spot.

"I have some snacks," he took out banana milk, chocolate and other snacks. He gave me one of each and we ate together and then went home to hangout some more.


I smiled as those memories came through my mind, as my teacher asked what did we enjoy in out childhood.

Sadly Hakyeon had to move away since his dad got a job offer somewhere far, we were still young so social media wasn't a choice for us. So I haven't seen him since then, now I'm in high school.

Those memories of Hakyeon and I made me miss him more, when I was sad he was there, when we have fun he's always there. Just anytime he is always there for me, some people find it weird that a guy is my childhood friend and not a girl.

"So talking about friendships and relationships, we have a new student."

Hey, there we go again. 'Y/N can you show him/her around the school?' And such and such. My teacher always seem to choose me to show them around for no apparent reason especially when there are people like the SRC who are made to do those things.

I continued to copy down my notes as the teacher we not blocking it for once. "Welcome Hakyeon to our class," wait what, my head shot up and it actually Hakyeon with the same hair style but dressing with dark colours. "Y/N may you show him around... Hakyeon you can sit next to her."

Hakyeon nodded and smiled as he approached me. "It's been a while," my eyebrows rose, "A very long time since we seen each other."

I show him my notes and as he copies it down I talk to him, 'About School.'

"So how's it been?" I asked him. Hakyeon seems different but I can't pinpoint it. "It's been alright, the same routine over and over again, sleep, school, go home, rest, do something and wait for my parents to come home from work."

After class I placed my books back in my locker and took out the ones I need for the next class, "Y/N, new student again?" Randell jogged up me as I nodded.

"Hello I'm Randell, Y/N's friend and you are?"

"Hakyeon," they both shook hands, "Well, I'll see you soon Y/N and take it easy Hakyeon. Welcome," he patted him on the shoulder before he walked off.

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