Forceful Love • Hongbin •

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(A/N: For Maan2442 here is your delayed submission :) I'm sorry for being very late, I've been very busy since my parents are on their break from work and the scorching weather is not helping me at all.... I hope you all enjoy)

Hongbin's POV

My love for you is too strong, many people has joke about it and said that I am crazy. But they don't know what I am capable of, seeing you do anything can make me love you even more, or even turn me on. Something about you, makes me feel thrilled about everything. I have this pang of energy flowing through my body like a drug addiction.

I need more of you.

But sadly,
You don't see me like that.

Sometimes I want to afflict pain onto you and your stupid partner. But I love you too much that I can't hurt you. I want you to love me and only me. I will do anything according to my will for you to be mine whatever it takes.

It started when I met you at the university open day. Seeing you walk and how you socialise with people, making know that you are kind, caring and also smart and head strong. You are determined to do anything for yourself and I will do the same for my own sake.

It hurts me when I see you cry, or being stress and how you talk about your partner and the doubts you have. I want to know that you, I can be that person but better than that partner who has cheated on you and just use you for your beauty and brain. That dickhead, doesn't appreciate you.

"Hongbin, you need to do something," Leo came up to be as I sit on my desk with the light dimmed down. Leo took a stool and sat down and looked at a design I made for a voodoo doll. "Are you sure it will be a good idea?"

"I won't be afflicting pain, I want her to see that I can be better than her ex, the other one design is for that douche."

Leo picked it up and nodded, "Looks like him alright."

"Ugly and dumb is the style I'm going for." Leo Hyung helped me with the stitching and design, we made sure that the right magic was placed into this before it turned into chaos. The last thing I want is to afflict pain on someone else and have a different person love me.


After hours of putting the right pieces together to make a voodoo replica of Y/N and douche face. "Thank you Hyung," we ate dinner together while the rest were asleep.

I will test these out when I get to school and see them when I can, preferably when they are sitting down and doing something.


It's break time and I sit with my friends, Y/N and her ex are sitting away from each other. Y/N's ex with other girls and Y/N sitting by herself with her friends.

Leo nudged my arm and I see Y/N's ex looking at Y/N while he has his arms around other girls, trying to make her jealous. I took out the doll from my bag and made sure that no one else was looking other than my friends and started moving the shoulder to afflict pain.

Seeing the ugly face starting to massage his shoulder, I placed a needle in his calf to create tension and then a bad leg cramp as he tensed his muscles while trying wipe off the blood.

"Stop he's about to start a commotion," I put the doll away and he made his way out.

After our break, I was in the same class as the both of them so I see the ex with an ice pack and Y/N ignoring him. "What did I do to deserve this???" He spoke aloud.

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