Can't Keep Doing This

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There's a week left until winter break. Amelia's life has been getting worse. She's almost never happy. She doesn't eat much anymore. When she does, she makes herself throw it up because she feels that fat. She doesn't smile. Her straight A's are hanging by a thread, about to drop to B's. She cries a lot. People tell her to kill herself now. She gets bullied in class and she always ends up getting in trouble for it. Her sisters treat her like trash, her mom doesn't even treat her like a daughter. She cries herself to sleep every night.

Owen doesn't know what to do anymore. He loves Amelia, more than anything. But her mental health is so poor, and he can't do anything about it. She says things without thinking, and it hurts him. She's really snippy and cranky. He always feels so negative, and his life was good. He was happy. Now he just spends time worrying about Amelia. He worries if the last time he saw her would actually be the last time. He worries about her every second. He knows he can't keep living like this, where he feels sick to his stomach worrying about his girlfriend and if she's okay.

Owen was standing by her locker, waiting for her. He saw her approach, and she looked sad again.

"Hey, you okay?" Owen asked.

"I'm fine." Amelia half snapped.

"Just trying to help." He muttered.

"What was that?" She asked, visibly irritated. Owen pulled her to a more private area.

"I'm just trying to help you. I'm trying to be a supportive boyfriend but it's hard when you just snap at me. You don't talk to me anymore." He said, trying to grab her hand. She pulled away. "Amelia.." He started.

"I'm fine Owen, back off." Amelia snapped.

"I can't back off. I worry about you all the time. I worry that I won't see you ever again. I worry about you so much, it makes me sick to my stomach! You don't talk to me anymore! You're more depressed than ever, what happened? I'm down all the time because I'm worrying about you. I'm going insane, and I can't keep doing this. I can't live like this. I'm done. Goodbye." Owen said, storming out.

Amelia ran outside to a tree in a corner. She started to hyperventilate, and she had a panic attack. She couldn't calm down, because the only one who has ever known how to calm her was Owen. But he's gone. At that thought, she threw up. She then ran away from it to find someone in their group of friends, she needed a shoulder to cry on. She was about to explode in tears, and bad things will happen if she's alone.

She found one of her close friends, Arizona Robbins. She was with another good friend, April Kepner.

"Hey, Amelia. What's wrong?" Arizona asked. She knew something was terribly wrong.

"Come with me." Amelia muttered. They found a private spot and Amelia immediately broke down in tears. April hugged her right away, and felt Amelia grip her shoulders. Arizona and April both rubbed her back.

After about 5 minutes of sobbing, Amelia was just exhausted. Her sobs died down and she pulled away from April.

"Owen broke up with me." Amelia whimpered as she wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Oh, Amelia.." Arizona said sympathetically, hugging Amelia.

"What can we do?" April asked.

"There's no way I'm going to class. I'm going to the nurse." Amelia said, wiping more tears.

"We'll walk you down. Arizona said, wrapping an arm around her. They walked to the nurse and Amelia told the nurse she had a killer migraine. She gave Amelia a cot in the far corner.

"Do you want me to call your mom?" The nurse asked. Amelia shook her head.

"Can you call my brother, Derek Shepherd? He has a free period and he can take me home." Amelia asked. The nurse agreed and called Derek down to the nurse. Amelia closed her eyes and tried to relax.

Derek arrived shortly and assumed Amelia was asleep. He kneeled down and stroked her arm.

"Amy, wake up." Derek whispered softly. Amelia opened her eyes and looked up at Derek sadly. "You have a headache, huh?" He asked, sitting on the cot. Amelia shook her head and sat up next to him.

"Owen broke up with me." Amelia whimpered as the tears began again. Derek wrapped an arm around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

Once she calmed down, Derek drove her home. Amelia went straight to her room and changed into pajamas. Every picture frame with a picture of her and Owen in her room, she flipped over. She took off the promise ring and the heart necklace he gave her with a heart locket, a picture of them together inside. She wrote a note saying 'do not disturb' and taped it on her door. She locked the door and curled up in bed. She hugged the teddy bear Owen gave her for Valentine's Day last year and cried herself to sleep.

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