Chapter 5

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After I was finished taking care of myself, I smiled as I felt a lot better. To my surprise the clothes fit me perfectly. Now looking like a completely different person than I did 30 minutes ago.

I walked out of the bathroom, looking around the room some more. Spotting my purse on the nightstand, making my eyes grow big. I quickly dug in it, everything was still in it. My eyes widened more as I spotted it glimmer of hope shined in me. My phone was in there, are they really that stupid? I smiled quickly grabbing it and turning it on, all of my hopes lost. No service, no wifi, just whatever I had on here, with my low battery. I paced around the room, holding up my phone in hopes of something. All I ended up getting was the time flicking to the next minute. I loudly sighed, chucking the cracked device on my bed.

My eyes wondered to a small radio on a dresser. Deciding there is nothing better to do, I turned it on, looking for a decent station. All I got was static, go figure.

As it was no use I turned it of, making my way back to the bed, throwing myself on it.

I felt a brick like object under me and grunted, throwing my phone at the wall. It having near no use to me anymore, we're trapped here, that is pretty clear.

"Wow chill!" I heard a familar voice say and I quickly shot up in defense. "I know you's mad but don't got to get violent" I heard them add.

"Huh?" was all I managed to say, looking over at him in a blank state. Zacky stood there, looking at my phone on the ground with his hands up.

His eyes widened as he looked at me straightening his stance. I huffed and asked another "What?" with him snapping back to reality.

"Nothin' so I see you made yourself at home which is good. Finding everything okay for now?" He partially smiled. I looked at him, pulling my legs towards my chest. Not exactly enjoying the hospitality, it just felt so off and wrong. Yeah it's better than being locked in a dark basement - which I'm grateful for. Just, why should I be grateful, they're the one trapping us?

"Yeah I guess...thanks." I muttered after a bit of eternal ranting, looking left towards boring white wall. Away from Zack standing in the doorway.

"I can see the clothes fit too, so thats good, looks good." I heard him add with a laugh. Something subtle he hid in that tone of voice. Secretly, I knew what he hinted. "Anyway, we made lunch so come and join us." He added and turned, looking back at me.

Personally I didn't feel like eating, I just felt so uneasy, I still don't fully trust them yet. Though trying not to be too difficult I sighed and decide to suck it up. They're trying to be nice, I shouldn't burn my bridges with them.

I sighed once more to myself and jumped up, walking out of the boring room finally following Zack. We made it to a kitchen area and dining like area. The typical cabin theme still in play with all the wood designing. This house is surprisingly open once you get out of the hall.

Looking towards the table everyone was seated, I saw Harper and quickly sat by her. On the left of me sat Jimmy, to my right is of course Harper. Front of me was Zack, I looked up around at them and they politely smiled at me. My eyes then landed on Matt and he just steady glared at Harper and I. Brian was still gone from the face of this earth.

Matts eyes ended up locked with mine, making me quickly turned away facing Harper. She turned to me and her face had her natural radiance.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." I smiled, she smiled back and nodded. She broke conversation and looked down at her food. I took this time to remember we're having lunch now. Glacing at the plate I noticed it was just a simple bologna sandwich. Raising my eyebrow I picked it up and examined it.

"What are food isn't good enough for you?" I heard a sharp voice. Everyone turned to Matt then stared directly at me.

"No..just looking at what it is, that's all." I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Damn dude chill, she's alright." I heard Zack try to calm the butthurt-for-no-reason Matt. I looked at Harper wondering why he didn't snap at her and noticed she was inhaling her food. I shrugged and took a bite of my sandwich. Tasted like an average sandwich.

"Sorry about Matt, he can be a bitch sometimes." Jimmy nudged me. I giggled as I chewed my food, taking a sip of my water. Remembering earlier.

"No it's okay, I can understand why he is so angry in a way. I mean we show up unexpected and I'm sure you all don't want company. I don't understand why you just didn't leave us on the side of the road." I rambled, taking another bite. Thinking of something polite.

"Well that would be pretty shitty of us y'know, plus we cannot be seen by anyone for precautions. Just it was the time and place and we didn't really think because we thought you two were badly injured." Zacky added in.

"Yeah, wanting to be left on the side of the road, nice one." Johnny joked with a laugh.

"Hey! Was just a suggestion." I muttered playfully pouting.

"Anyway we dont mean any harm, just enjoy your time here. We don't exactly plan to keep you forever but we need to think of something. No need to be afraid of us alright, we only are doing this for our protection." Jimmy explained with a smile.

I smiled back feeling at ease for once, hearing Harper sigh in a light tone. I'm assuming out of relief. I mean, I know we obviously can't fully trust these guys still but the words of assurance still have an impact. Even if it were to be laced with a lie, it helps.

"Well thanks for that." I heard Harper mutter out of honesty. I looked to see she was finished with everything and stood up. "Anyway where if your kitchen? Gonna wash my plate." Harper continued louder this time.

Johnny moved a bit and pointed to a open doorway to our right. She nodded and walked away grabbing up her utensils.

"Anyway what were you two doing out there even?" Zacky randomly asked. It took me a second to get where he was refering to. "Oh Harper and I were at a Christmas party my work had planned. Anyway Harper of course had too much to drink. We were walking home and decided to take this quick way and she climbed the fence somehow not getting hurt then. She then took off as I chased her and we then toppled down a hill. Hence leading here." I sighed out.

"Typical, sounds like someone from this table." Johnny laughed, and I heard Jimmy mutter something.

"Yeah but the party actually was fun at least." I nodded then hearing a loud clash in the kitchen.

Everyone raced to the noise and Harper layed on the floor with broken glass. Me being the first one in there, moving everyone.

I raced up to her on my knees shaking her, everyone else was frozen. "Harper! Wake up!" I kept shaking her confused on what happened. I began to feel dizzy as my vision doubled. My sight landed on the guys as I felt sick and betrayed as I had an idea what happened.

"What the hell did you do?!" I screamed as tears formed in my eyes. The last thing I remember was the guys looking shocked, even Matt as I passed out on Harper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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