15: A present

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Waking up was the easiest. I was so excited about that day that I was not even sure if I fell asleep last night. I just found myself staring up at the ceiling and then checking at the time on my phone. I wanted the day to finally begin.

I waved goodbye to Duncan as I exited my flat. I had made breakfast. Pancakes. They were nice, even Ken agreed. I did not make lunch. I would be buying lunch at a restaurant near the park.

I had called my friends. Sara was busy, sadly, but Gwen and Party were available and ecstatic. Ken, as enthusiastically as always, walked with me to work.

"I am so excited. Do you like Cypher, Ken?"

Ken, answered with a stoic expression. "I was told to say that they are bad."

I smiled. "But what do you think, Ken?"

"I do not know them. I did not even know The Mzansi Way until they hired me." I gasped.

"I should invite you to their concert some time. I mean, you're already following me around." Ken chuckled, and he was smiling. Causing me to also smile. Ken, honestly was a very handsome guy. He did not even seem to be over thirty. May e it was the post-breakup brain speaking but Ken really was handsome. He was also with me everyday, so yes, I would notice him.

"Sounds fun." I grinned, entering my apartment building.

"Hi, Jabu."

"Sadie. Have a nice day." Jabulani, the security guard, said with a smile on his face. He and Ken shared a silent greeting. I entered the elevator with Ken, but I stopped it from closing due to Mike running towards me, shouting for me to not let it close. I sighed, I owned a company, I had to act professional.

I gave him a tight smile as he entered and then looked at Ken's feet. I could not stand to look at Mike. I wouldn't have been mad if he had just broken up with me. I would have understood. Nothing lasts forever. But going behind my back and dating someone else, while still dating me? That was low. I noticed that he did not press the button to go to his floor. So I pressed it for him.

"Hi, Sadie. Guy."

"It's Ken,"

"Oh, um. Hi, Ken." The elevator couldn't have been any slower, really. "I called you, Sadie, but you never answered." I did not reply. "I get that you're upset. I would be too." Still I stayed silent, finding Ken's black polished shoes to be quite interesting. "I'm sorry," I rolled my eyes holding back the rude things going through my mind. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I mean, I knew that you would get hurt, I just... I was confused, Sadie." The elevator doors opened, Mike was supposed to go out, he didn't. Instead he closed the doors. I internally sighed.

"Would you have forgiven me?" I asked, finally deciding to look at him. "If I cheated on you, would have forgiven me?" He silently stared at me.

"You didn't cheat on me."

"But you did." The door stopped at my floor and I went out with Ken following behind. "Go to work. Me and you are over." I took a step back, allowing the doors to close. Mike sadly looked at me. Seeming to honestly regret his decision. I also regretted my decision of trusting him so much.

"You should have karate-kicked him back to his floor." I sighed in annoyance as I told Ken.

"That's not in my job description."

Sighing, I carried on with my day. Less enthusiastic, of course. I carried on with the rest of my morning. Ken managed to sit down, like a good boy. I read my emails. I had more than a dozen potential clients since Monday, two days before. It was scary. I had never had that many clients all at once.

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