9- I shouldn't care

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Over the weekend, I was wondering how Monday would go. I wasn't sure if Dante was going to talk to me or even acknowledge that Saturday night even happened. I thought that it was a good night and he seemed to enjoy it too but the ending was kind of dull.

Not that I'm complaining because that was the first and last time I'll ever spend time with the guy outside of work. Even though he doesn't realize it, we are complete enemies and it'll stay that way. I just have to have an excuse prepared if he asks me to go out again to deny him.

At my desk on Monday morning, Denise won't stop staring at me with an eager look on her face but she doesn't say anything, she just stares at me for a very long time.

"How was your weekend?" I ask her awkwardly, not really knowing what I should say to her right now.

"Not as good as yours, I hope," She responds. "How was Dante?"

"How was he?" I repeat her question because I don't really understand it.

"Yeah, come on, I'm dying to know."

I shrug at her as I'm logging into my desktop. "Nice, I guess."

"That's it?" She wonders incredulously. Should I be more descriptive of my weekend? Why does she want to know so badly? Maybe being so interested in other people's business is normal but I never got that memo. I try to hide how weirded out and confused I am by her curiosity by pushing myself closer to my desk to hide my face with the divider.

"What kind of details would you like?" I wonder because I'm obviously clueless.

"Was he a good kisser?" Denise fires at me but that's just the first of a long line of questions like I'm being interrogated by the freaking FBI or something. "Did he treat you well in the sack? Is he packing? I've always thought that he was but he might act all huff and tuff just to overcompensate so I've never been sure. Where'd you go? Did you even make it out of the house?"

"We didn't even kiss," I tell her which should answer most of her incredibly inappropriate questions. I really need to read up on how people communicate with each other because I feel like I'm at a total loss here. "We just went to dinner."

"You're serious," She says in disbelief.

"As a heart attack. If you want to know how big his dick is then just sleep with him yourself," I suggest as I'm getting to work on my computer.

"Yeah, I've tried many times," Denise mumbles with a bitter laugh. "Shamelessly too, I'll add, but he's not interested. I think I'm too old. He likes 'em young, I guess."

"I'm only three years younger than him," I point out because the way she said that made him sound like some kind of pedophile. Not that I'm defending him because I don't really care what people think about him. That's a lie anyway—he's actually four years older than me but I made Elisa 21 despite me only being 20, mostly just for fun.

"But I'm only two years older," She points out. "But it's okay, I'm at peace with it now but that doesn't mean that I don't wonder what it would be like."

"Well, I can't help you there," I tell her and it makes her scoff but she doesn't respond so I'm hoping that I can actually get some work done now instead of this useless gossip about Dante. The weekend is over, he's unnecessary now and I need to refocus on getting into Giovanni's office. The faster that I can hack his database, the faster I can get back home. Although having my own apartment is pretty nice, I would prefer not working in this scum hole.

At lunch, I grab an apple and head up to the roof. I moved my lunch an hour late so that I won't run into Dante up there because I really like going up to the roof. It's very peaceful and quiet and lonely.

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