Jason's Here

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Content Warning: 

I can't believe I have to write this on a very old story of mine, but some of y'all seem to struggle with playing nice in the comments. This chapter contains some humour and sarcasm around steak. If you don't eat meat, that's fine. If you do and you like steak, that's fine. If you eat meant and don't like steak, that's fine. 

You do not need to be rude and foul-mouthed to each other in the comments just because someone doesn't agree with you, or have the same beliefs as you. I will delete any comments that I deem as in violation of Wattpad's Code Of Conduct and will report them too.

This is a wholesome, chill vibes story. And the comments have ruined it somewhat. I hope those of you who leave nice comments and have friendly discussions in that section continue to do so.


*Chapter starts here*

The shop took hardly any time to clean and Ellie was properly closed within half an hour. Surprisingly fast considering it often took an hour or more to tidy up everyone else's mess. Just as she closed the flat door, her phone started to ring. She slid the green phone across the screen, thinking of Robin's lack of technical skill as she did so, and answered it.

"I'm still coming round for dinner, right?" A wavering male voice echoed slightly in the hallway.

Ellie rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jason. You'd better not be cancelling on me; I've bought steak. I don't have enough money to waste steak."

Her brother laughed on the other end of the phone. "Even if I was cancelling," he said, each word between a bought of laughter. "I would cancel that thing because steak is life. Everyone knows that."

Ellie couldn't help but smile at that. "Fair enough. I expect you to be here by six thirty at the latest, ok? That means you get here at bang on six. Got it?"

"Sure, whatever. I mean, I'm walking 'cause I crashed my car again, but I should get there in no time. See you then!"

The phone screen turned black as Jason ended the call. Sighing, Ellie peered into her living room and gulped. It was a mess. Empty takeaway boxes were on the coffee table, clothes were on the sofa and there was a half-eaten packet of crisps balancing on top of the TV.

"I am genuinely disgusted at myself," she mumbled.

Thankful for how little time it had taken to clean the coffee shop, Ellie got to work on her flat. She found a pair of washing-up gloves under her kitchen sink and taped them around her arms to make sure nothing fell into them whilst she cleansed her entire flat.

It took several attempts with the vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust covering her living room floor and it took even longer to get through the mountains of clothes all over her bedroom. Just as she returned to the kitchen to put the rubber gloves away, the doorbell rang.

"I haven't even got changed!" She said to herself. Ellie re-tied her hair and answered the door.

"Nice to see you, sis," Jason said, a beaming smile across his face from ear to ear.

Ellie nodded and showed him into the living room. She handed him the TV remote and left him to watch something while she finally got ready for dinner.

A/N: Personally, I think Jason is a lovable younger brother <3 But let me know what you think with a comment :) Hope you're enjoying the read so far!! Happy reading folks :p

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