Answers In Every Sense

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The blonde nodded. "You seem really upset; there's no way I could leave you like this and not do anything about it."

"Ok well the question may change your mind."

Robin shook her head. "I doubt that. Come on, spill."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Well not exactly," Robin mumbled, curling a strand of hair around her finger.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Ellie said slowly. "It's kind of a yes or no question?"

"Things are complicated at the moment. Soph has decided that we're on a break so..." Robin trailed off. She didn't sound upset but there was a distant look in her usually shinning eyes. Ellie put a hand on Robin's arm, squeezing it slightly.

"I'm sorry I asked; I didn't mean to-"

Robin held up a hand and shook her head, laughing as if the problem was wiped away. "You haven't upset me. And before you argue, you cheer me up. You've never upset me."

Ellie bit her lip, her eyebrows skyrocketing. She hadn't expected that.

"What's going through your head now? Your mind must be going mile to the dozen twenty-four-seven."

"I wouldn't say that," Ellie muttered the words, not quite sure what she was saying. It was true that millions of thoughts, ideas, situations were rushing through her mind but that was normal; she liked to plan for what could happen. That just to happened to be going on at the same time as everything going on in the moment.

"What would you say then? Just say whatever's going through that brain of yours." The blonde moved the hair hanging over Ellie's eyes, resting a hand on the brunette's cheek.

Ellie fumbled over various words, each dissipating on her tongue and resulting in silence. She sighed with irritation before blurting out, "You look utterly beautiful."

In a moment that felt like forever, Ellie didn't move her eyes from being locked onto Robin's. The café around them seemed to sink into a white noise of nothing. All the was left was just them. Ellie took a leap of confidence and took a step towards Robin. The blonde looked surprised for a second, but she too moved closer. Their bodies touching, Ellie felt her hands begin to shake as she placed one on the blonde's waist and the other on her neck.

Suddenly there was a knock at the café door. A couple of business regulars were waiting outside. Ellie glanced at the clock above her; she was running a few minutes late. Robin sighed and closed her eyes. "I suppose we'd better get things sorted?"

Ellie put the moment on pause and gathered all of her thoughts into a single idea. The customers were regulars so they knew she was always on time. Robin was there to help her so the business people would be served within two minutes or so. After that, the café would most likely be quiet until an hour or so later. She blinked and burst back into the situation. She looked past Robin at the customers and then reconnected with the blonde's eyes.

"They can wait for once," Ellie mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Robin's waist, pulling her close. The blonde took a moment to realise what was happening, only responding once Ellie's lips had crashed onto her own.

Ellie couldn't help but smile against Robin's lips as everything seemed to fall into place. Mark wasn't a bad kisser but there was something else about the blonde she was holding in her arms. It just felt right.

A/N: I'm so sorry this is three days late - it's work work work at the moment XD I'll try and update once a week, even if it isn't on a Monday so just bear with me for now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it is a short one :3 Let me know what you think with a comment or even the lil star XD

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