Brownie Berry

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The end of the day came too quickly and soon enough, the café was near silent. Only the hum of the coffee machine and the shuffling of feet filled the, now weirdly-spacious-space. As Ellie wiped down the cake display, she looked over to where Robin was cleaning the tables. Whilst the blonde seemed perfectly content with the silence, Ellie found it unnerving. Although every minute she spent with Robin was wonderful, it also made her nervous. "What would Dad say if he knew about her?" She muttered to herself.

"What? Did you say something?" Robin stood up, put a hand on her hip and smiled. "Your ear is twitching again. Come on, out with it." She strode over to the counter and locked eyes with Ellie.

"Um, well..." The brunette stuttered over the words attempting to form a sentence. It wasn't too bad talking to Mark but- oh right. Mark. 

Ellie shook her head quickly and put her hands up as if surrendering. "How good are you at baking?"

Robin didn't seem fazed by the question and laughed a little, almost to herself. "I've dabbled in a bit of brownie-making but I can't say I'm Mary Berry in disguise."

Ellie couldn't help but giggle until she was cut off by the blonde's lips meeting hers. She melted into the kiss just as easily as she could make a cappuccino. Confidence began to grow, dominating her headspace and taking over from doubt. "You're hired," she said, taking a breath.

"Well, that's a relief. I'll be able to pay for heating next month now," Robin said, her voice trailing off as the seriousness of her situation dawned on the moment.

"You don't have heating?" Ellie held tight to Robin's hands, a left-over aspect of the kiss.

"No, not really."

"In that case, you're staying here tonight."

The blonde opened her mouth to speak but allowed silence to fill the space instead as Ellie placed a finger over her lips.

"There is no way I can let you go home knowing you'll be freezing. Besides," she said, giving Robin's hands a squeeze. "I need your help to make some brownies." 

A/N: Ok I know its short. However, it's a smidge that you would have had to wait another week for if it wasn't uploaded now so I dunno, swings and roundabouts? (never understood that saying) Leave a comment below to let me know what you think XD Enjoy folks!

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