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You walk to the dining hall but before you and Draco enter you stop him. "Draco.... Are you absolutely positive you wanna do this?" "If I didn't I wouldn't have said anything in class today!" He says and grabs your hand and leads you into the dining hall, his head held high. Your head was another thing though but you tried your best to look confident. He leads you over to Slytherin table where you sit beside each other. People everywhere are sending you dirty looks and glances. You nervously played with you hair. Draco noticed how nervous you look and grabs your hand once again. "Draco..." "Yeah?" He asks. "I'm very hungry! When is the food going to be ready?" You whine and he laughs. Then suddenly the food appears and you dig in. Draco doesn't even touch his plate because he is staring at you. "What is it? Am I chewing with my mouth open?" You ask concerned. "No, (Y/n). Your just so beautiful that I can't stop staring." You blushed. "Well, you need to eat!" You say. "Ok, fine!" He says and starts to eat his plate. You sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the meal. When it's time to leave you leave holding hands, once again getting the looks from almost everyone. "Draco.... They're staring again." You whisper to him. He kisses you on the forehead. "They don't matter to me. I know you think it does but it doesn't. Because you make me the happiest I've ever been in my entire life." "You make me happy too, Draco." He smiles wide and kisses you. A lot. Almost enough to make you miss another class but then Hermione comes to the rescue. "(Y/n) and Draco! Come on! We're gonna miss our next class!" She says and you all separate from each other. "Why'd you have to interrupt us, Hermione? It was getting good!" You say to your best friend. Draco smiles when you say that. Hermione shakes her head. "Come on, we have to get to class!" She says and this time you both listen. Your next class is divination. But you didn't pay attention to it at all. You were staring at Draco the whole time.  The next few classes were very boring because you did not have them with Draco. But in your last class of the day you sat beside Harry Potter. "Hey, Harry." You say cautiously. You figured he was probably still mad about the Draco thing. "Hello, Mrs. Malfoy." He says coldly. "You know he doesn't actually liked being called  Malfoy..." You say in an attempt to defend him somehow. "Oh really? Then why does he flaunt it around like its better then everyone else's name?" "You don't know him!" "Yes I do! He's an evil Slytherin snake!" "Oh, so now you have a problem with slytherins?" You ask hurt. "I have a problem with Malfoy." He says angrily. "His name is Draco. Why can't you just be happy for me?" You ask. You were surprised the professor hadn't heard you two in the back of the class but fortunately you were so far in the back they could hardly hear you. "Because your with Malfoy! He's probably a death eater and he's gonna break your heart." You couldn't believe he had said that. "I can't believe you, Harry. I thought you were my friend." You say tears in your eyes. And you walk out of the class without warning leaving the teacher and all the students with their mouths gaping open. As your making your way down the hall someone hugs you from behind. "Hey, my love." Draco said. You were silent though. "Darling... What's wrong?" He asks and you turn around. You probably looked terrible. "It's Harry." His eyes flash with anger. "What did he do? I'll kill him, you know I will!" You shake your head. "No. It's fine." You say shakily. "No it's not. Tell me what happened." You tell him everything that happened and he is very mad. "(Y/n)! That's not okay! If he has a problem with me, he needs to fight with me and not with my girlfriend." Then you hear someone walking down the hallway. "You've got to find her, Harry. You dimwit." You hear Hermione say. "Why? I didn't do anything wrong." "OF COURSE YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!" She yells. "We just need to find her and you need to apologize." They were getting close to where Draco and you are. "Draco, let's go hide. I don't wanna talk to Harry right now." He nods and grabs your hand and leads you into an abandoned classroom and locks the door. "They won't find us in here. (Y/n), I'm sorry." "For what?" You ask confused. "For making your life terrible!" "Oh, Draco. You've made my life better. Not worse. You've made it better then ever." As you said that a smile spread on his face. And in that moment everything was great...

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