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When you get back to the house it's late at night and everyone is asleep so you sneak in and go to the couch and lay down there to go to sleep. But your terrified to fall asleep. What if you have nightmares again? What if you see Draco again? What if you see Bellatrix? You wonder these questions to yourself but eventually fall asleep. You don't have a nightmare until early in the morning when it's almost time to wake up. You hear something. A voice. It's Bellatrix. "HAHA! I KILLED HIM! I KILLED YOUR TERRIBLE SON, NARCISSA." Bellatrix yells in a taunting voice. Narcissa is lying on the ground crying. You see Draco's lifeless body lying on the ground. "Cat got your tongue?" She asks and laughs. "Sectumsempra." Bellatrix says and Draco's already bruised body emerges with cuts and blood everywhere. "PLEASE STOP! STOP! STOP HER!" You say when someone shakes you awake. "(Y/n)." Hermione says to you. "I'm fine. I'm fine." You say calmly taking shortened breaths. "Are you sure? Are you okay to go back to sleep?" She asks concerned. "I'm fine.
Perfectly fine." You say once again. "Go back to sleep, Hermione. I'm okay. Wait, Hermione!" You say and she turns back around. "Is there a spell called Sectumsempra?" You ask and she freezes. "How do you know about that spell?" Hermione asks. "It was in my dream. Or nightmare, I guess is the more appropriate word. Bellatrix used it to torture Draco." "It's real. And I have no idea how you know it." She says then walks away. You sit there in the early morning light wondering how you know that. You also wonder what to do about the whole Draco situation. You wish you could write to your secret admirer about it but his letters had stopped. You hoped he was okay but you had no way of knowing. And since you didn't know where to tell your owl to bring the letters to there was no use in trying to write to him. God, why was your life so complicated? Secret admirers, torture, and Draco Malfoy, oh my! You think to yourself and you chuckle. If you couldn't fix your life you could always laugh at it.

Draco's POV:

I'm locked in my bedroom. No one has let me out or fed me for days. I deserve it. I let (Y/n) go. But you love her I think to myself. Is it worth this, though? I think to myself. Yes. I think answering my own question. Then the door unlocks I look up and see Bellatrix coming in my room with a smile upon her face. Oh no. I think to myself. "CRUCIO." She says and I fall to the floor. "AHHHHH!" I say yelling. It's the most intense and destructive pain I've ever felt in my life. "STOP! PLEASE!" I yell but she doesn't. Eventually she stops. I take short and raggedy breaths. "I'll be back tomorrow to torture some more. Maybe next time you'll learn not to defend blood traitors. Bye-bye, Draco!" She says sweetly. I wanted to get up and slap her but I can't even find the strength to get up off the floor. She leaves my room and locks me in again. Who cares if she's a blood traitor? Who cares that I let her go? She's perfect. She's amazing. And she's not mine. "(Y/n). I miss you." I whisper to nobody. I wish she was here with me. Helping me through this dark time. But she can't be. I'm bad for her. But you miss her a voice in my head says. Doesn't matter, Draco. If you want her to live you'll leave her alone. Another, more reasonable, voice in my head says. But I love her I think once again. But neither of this matters. There's no way to find her or tell her how much I'm sorry I told her those awful and untrue things. But I was locked in a room with no chance of escape. And I would probably be tortured until I died. There was nothing I could to stop Bellatrix. And nothing I could do to go to (Y/n). Nothing I could do to protect her except lie to her. I hate that I'm a Malfoy. I hate it.

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