Chapter Two - Left with the devil

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  • Dedicated to chloe m-inspiration because of her cheeky self and pranks

"Jessie," someone whispered. I didn't really bother me, I just turned around and went back to sleep.  

"Jessie," this time the fool poked my nose, no one ever pokes my nose. I slapped away the hand. "Hunter, I swear if that's you, I will cut off your balls and tie it to the nearest pole."  

"Nice to see you to Jessie" replied a soft female voice.

Wait, female?  

Oh, shit.

I immediately shot up and noticed two things. One, there was a beautiful young girl in front of me that I don't remember seeing before, her facial features, like her shiny green eyes and perfectly formed lips, were familiar. Her hair was a deep purple, obviously dyed. Secondly, the plane was on the ground and everyone was getting out, except me, Jaiden, Emma and this mysterious girl.  

She leant over and gave Jaiden a peck on the cheek, then she pulled out her designer purse and waved a kit-kat in front of my face. Thats funny, Jaiden gave that same purse to…… no way!  

"Gemma?," I asked scared a little and what had happened to her hair, by now that I looked at it it actually looked pretty, the way the light danced off it like a thousand amethysts. It looked great with her gleaming green eyes and grey winter coat.

She gave me a nod and pulled me in for a hug. "Wow, your hair, its so unique, it shimmers, wow," I complimented. "Thanks, it was a dare, it washes out in  a few hours."

"Gemma," I asked pulling away, " Are you coming with us, I didn't see you in the car."  

"I rode with Jaiden"

She handed me a kit-kat. "Thanks," I looked at her for only a brief second before I dived into chocolatey goodness for the next fifteen minutes.

--------- ,, Jessie,, Hunter, Jaiden, Ethan, Gemma

We pulled out outside our cabin and I immediately gasped at the beauty. They were 3 fairly large cabins, the middle one was a little bit larger, and maybe three of us could each fit very comfortably in each one. I thought about it to myself, me, Emma and Gemma could stay in one cabin and the rest could figure themselves out.   

"Okay so Sasha and Emily, you can go in that one," Emma pointed, to the cabin on the left.

"Okay then I'll go with Jessie and Hunter, Jaiden and Ethan can go in the largest one."

"Wait what about Gemma."

I had to open my big mouth. Well done Jessie (!)

"Okay then I'll go with Emily and Jaiden, Ethan and Gemma can go in the other one..."

"But that means..."

"...And you can be with Hunter," she finished, smiling victoriously.

"No!," I defended, "Jaiden help me out!"

"Relax," Emma responded, "you can have the larger cabin and there are separate rooms."

She left, followed by Sasha and Emily, but just before she got to her cabin she turned around and gave me a wink.


Jaiden smiled at me, and interlocked his hands with Gemma as they walked away, chatting animously with Ethan.

And then it was just me and the devil.


I turned around and faced Hunter.

"So," I said, kicking the snow, "are you gonna bring the bags in or what?"

"Such a girl," he mumbled following me with my bags. 

"Such a jerk," I replied, speaking loud, on purpose.

He heard me and I could practically feel him staring into the back of my neck. I turned to the door, and carefully opened it, to put it mildly the house was absolutely breathtaking. the interiors were based on a theme of wooden and cozy. The walls looked like wood panelling with holes cut out for the fireplace, ectera. The kitchen had granite benches with modern appliances and the living room had the comfiest couch. I had ever seen. This seemed larger than the other cabins.

I immediately plopped myself onto a couch and gestured to Hunter, "Go place the bags in the room, peasant,"

He rolled his eyes and followed my commands like a little puppy. 

Yes, I was stuck with Hunter but hopefully that wouldn't be for long as I planned to tortue Hunter so that Emma would have no choice but to move me. As long as I stay clear of Hunter, it would be fine. I finally manage to peel myself off the couch to go and inspect the bathrooms, each bedroom was massive but there was only a curtian separating the two rooms. Each bedroom had a massive ensuite, which timber panelling all the way to the roof and a luxurious bathtub. I could live my life in here.

I changed out of my soaking wet jeans and jacket into a grey pullover jacket and my deep grey trackies. I didn't bother to unpack, seeing as I wouldn't be here for long. Jumping into the bed, I pulled the blue and silver silk covers over my head. The 4-or-so hours on the plane, really wasn't enough to make up for the time I spent in customs. It was about eleven o'clock since Miami and Quebec had the same time zone. 

"Jessie," called Hunter from the other side of the relatively thin curtain.  

"Hunter, I am really sleepy, so if you don't shut up, I saw some really cold poles outside," I replied, smirking, yeah, two can play at that game.  

"Yeah, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry,"  

"Sorry, for what?,"  

"For whatever made you so mad at me,"  

"Which was……."  

"I don't know,"  

"You don't even know what it was, how do you expect me to forgive you," I turned at flicked the bedside lamp off, and put my phone to charge.  


I woke up at four, not really feeling very hungry. The cabins were on a estate kind-of-thing. Not far away was a small village. Me and Emma drove there in a hired car.  

We popped into the local convince store. After picking various fruits and junk food (for me), I eyed a roll of plastic wrap and an evil idea came into my head. Grabbing the plastic wrap, a can of orange spray paint, a black permanent marker and some bubble mix, I payed the cash lady and joined Emma outside, an evil smirk forming on my face.  

I was right this was going to be a very good trip.


Cabin in the right -------->

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