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The boys got Riley's house and they climed in through the window. They had tear stains on their faces. Riley quickly stood up.

"Guys! What's wrong? It looks like you've been crying" Riley asked concerned.

"Nothing. Let's just find out what's in this box" Farkle said quickly.

He didn't want Riley to know about what him and the other boys saw in Maya's bathroom. Not until they were 100 percent sure and they talked to Maya about it.

They all sat in a circle on the floor with the box in the middle of them.

"You guys ready?" Farkle asked. They all nodded. He took at deep breath and opened the box.

There were a lot of folded up notes inside and there were also drawings that Maya drew and they were very.. depressing.

Farkle picked up one of the notes and read it out loud.

"It says, your just a fat, ugly, worthless, broken girl. No one likes you. Go kill yourself"

They all gasped.

"Who's it from?" Lucas asked angrily.

"It's doesn't say" Farkle replied. Lucas sighed.

Farkle picked up a few more and read them.

"Your friends are using you"

"No one would care if you died"


"Your so stupid, thats probably why your dad left"


"Go kill yourself slut"

"Saw you at school today, you looked like trash"

"No one will ever love you"

Farkle stopped reading them and looked up to see that everyone had tears coming down their face.

"How did I not notice my best friend was getting bullied?" Riley sobbed.

"It wasn't just you Riley. It was all of us, don't put all the blame on yourself" Farkle said.

"What do we do now?" Zay asked wiping his tear stained face.

"I don't know. We could talk to Maya about it or we could go tell an adult, like Riley's dad" Farkle said.

"I w-want to t-talk to M-maya first" Riley said stuttering.

"Okay" Farkle said.

"When are we going to talk to her about it?" Lucas asked wiping his now dry tear off his face.

"Well we don't have school tomorrow since it's the weekend so, how about tomorrow?" Farkle replied.

"Sure" they all said.

Farkle stared at the box, and he was pretty sure that everyone else was too. He couldn't believe that Maya was getting bullied and that he never even noticed it. No wonder she wanted to be alone. No one notice what was happening to her and she was probably starting to believe was was on those notes. He's been bullied, but it never got this bad and it was happening to the most strongest person he knew. It was really upsetting. To top it all off she may or may not be.. cutting. If Farkle found out that she is actually doing that.. he doesn't know what he's gonna do.

Zay on the other hand was shocked to find out the the blonde beauty was getting bullied. He would have never though that she would get bullied. She was such a great friend to him. She made him feel welcome when no one else did and for that he will forever be grateful. From time to time Maya and him would usually hang out. They never thought of each other as more than friends, but he knew a lot more than others. Maybe not Farkle, but he knew a lot. He knew that she liked Lucas. He knew for sure from what had happened in Texas. What he saw in the bathroom was.. shocking. He never pictured her doing somthing like that, and it made him feel like a bad friend for not noticing.

Riley was really upset with herself. She could believe that she never noticed what was happening to her peaches. I mean, no could really. She tried thinking about the little details she could have noticed and.. there were quite a few of them and that made her more upset. She wasn't only upset with herself, but with Maya. Maya didn't tell her. She just started distancing herself from the group, but that not an excuse for Riley not noticing that just makes her feel like the worst best friend in the entire world for not seeing how depressed her best friend was.

Lucas.. was furious and upset. Furious because he didn't know who was writing the notes and that he couldn't do anything about it and upset because.. pretty much the reason everyone else is. He didn't notice it. Even though she still wasn't speaking to him, he still cared for her. I mean if it wasn't already obvious.. he loves her. He wants to tell her, but everytime he went near her, she walked in the opposite direction. He also couldn't believe what he saw in the bathroom. He never would have never of thought that the blonde beauty would result to.. that. He really wanted to speak to her about it. He also wanted to know how she could keep this to herself. He didn't know how long she has been getting bullied, but there were a lot of notes so, he guessed it probably started before Texas and that made him really mad because there must have been hints or something that would have made him notice, but he didn't and neither did anyone else.

But there was also another thing on everyone's mind and that was..

Who was writing all those notes? And why?

[Note: Next chapter will be about maya finding out her box is missing and the gang will go talk to her]

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