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It had been 4 weeks since they had last seen Maya and they were getting really worried. Maya wouldn't answer anyone's calls or texts. They went to her house, but her mom said Maya didn't want to see anyone right now.

They walked into school and went to their lockers to get what they needed, then went to class. 25 minutes into class, she walked in. She gave her pass to Corey and went to sit all the way in the back corner just like she did 4 weeks ago. Maya didn't glance at them, not even once. She didn't even look like herself anymore. She was a lot skinnier and she was still wearing long sleaves. They gave each other a worried look. They were worried for their best friend, even though she didn't want anything to do with them right now.

At the end of class Maya rushed out of the classroom hoping to avoid her friends. She had gotten worse over the past 4 weeks. She ate less and she cut more. She locked herself in her room most of the time she was gone. Her mother and Shawn were worried about her, but she pretends everything is fine until she in her room. That's where she was most of the time and also one of the reasons that Katy and Shawn were so worried about her. They knew she wasnt speaking to her friends. Everytime they would come over she would say that she didn't want to see them right now. Also Corey had told Topanga, Katy, and Shawn that he thought that Maya had been getting bullied again, due to the talk Maya and him had 4 weeks ago and that she might be having trouble dealing with it again, but he didn't know for sure.

When Maya got home later that day she went in her room and locked the door. Today she got more mean notes in her locker, like she had been getting for a while now. She had keep every one of the notes she got. She puts them in a box that she keeps under her bed. She sat on her bed with her hands over her face and cried. A few minutes later she heard a knock on her window. She looked up and saw Farkle. She went and opened the window and he climed inside.

"What are you doing here Farkle?" Maya asked.

"I came to see what going on with you. You've been avoiding all of us and you weren't at school for like 4 weeks."

"I'm fine. I told you guys to let me be alone."

"Why? Maya, what's going on? This is way more than you avoiding Lucas because of what happened in Texas. Something else is going on. Please tell me, I want to help."

Maya stared at him. He sighed and look around at her room. He notice there was clothes everywhere, there was papers with drawings on the floor, and he also noticed the box that was sticking out from under her bed.

"What's this?" he said walking over to the box and picking it up.

"Don't touch that" Maya said walking over and taking the box from him.

"Why? What's in it?"

"None of your business"

"Maya.. please."

"No Farkle. Just go home."

He hesitated, but then walked over to the window. As he was heading out he said

"Can you at least come to school tomorrow and talk to us?"

"...Yeah sure" she replied hesitantly.

He smiled at her and then left.

'If he only knew' she whispered and put the box back under her bed and pushed it towards the back. She then layed on her bed and fell asleep, dreading going to school tomorrow.

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