Living Mistakes {A Zoephian Fanfic}

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"You must never reach beyond the gates! Your rightful place is inside the castle! Every window is barred and every door is restrained by only the greatest of guards! You must never leave!"

I was forced to sit on my throne as they yelled the rules out at my face. The many rules I have heard time and time before, all trying to make an impact on my thoughts of exploring. What's so wrong with exploring?

I already knew the answer to my question. Because I'm a princess, a 'fair lady', and apparently 'ladies' don't explore. They stay at home cooking and cleaning. But of course, our servants and maids do that for us. So, I'm locked away in this castle for the first eighteen years of my life.

But, once I am married, I have a choice to move to another castle or stay at my own. Thus, showing that my future life will be nothing but imprisonment inside of a castle.

I had explained my motives to my parents, trying to persuade them with the positives of exploring. Sadly, all they care about is having me marry one of the many princes in the land, joining our kingdoms together.

If they could only care about my happiness, and not the kingdom for the first time in their life, then I wouldn't be breaking the rules as much.

"Now, off to your room young lady!" My father yelled at me, pointing to one of the long hallways existing in the castle.

I let out a frustrated sigh, muttering unheard words under my breath as I got up from my seat, storming off down to my room.

They don't approve of anything I do. They don't even approve of my choice of clothing! All I wear is dresses and high-heels because of mother, but she doesn't know how much I hate it.

So, I've been trying to escape this horrid place, ignoring the orders and demands of the guards. I haven't been harmed by any guards, which is kinda strange, considering how many of them are populating this castle.

Deep down, I know, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive today. The guards would have already killed me by now if he wasn't here. He made my attempts of escaping possible, but in a way, he's the reason I'm always caught by a guard.

The only thing I have to remind me of him is the egg we found together. It still hasn't hatched after a total year, but he told me not to expect it. If anything, it won't hatch for another whole year, seeing as the thing inside still needs to develop.

I'm beginning to forget his facial features, but the thing I distinctively remember, is his eyes. Those vibrant purple orbs would glow in the darkest of caves, and light up a whole room at night. They made me feel safe and secure, and sometimes, when I'm scared or upset, I'd see his sympathetic orbs in the shadows of my room.

My eyes were always playing tricks on me, though. I must remember that it's just the loneliness taking over my mind, and it's not actually him.

He's probably gone, off to adventure the land, just like we promised. He mentioned a friend of his was a mayor of a town far away, so he's probably hanging out there.

He wouldn't remember me, would he? I don't even remember his name! It was as if an imaginary wall was blocking me from reminiscing about him. Would he be feeling this way?

No, of course not. It's been a year and a half, and he's five, maybe six years older than me. He's probably got a good job, with a beautiful girlfriend and a big house.

My head starts to hurt when I think about him, like I'm repeatedly running into an unknown wall in my mind. I've tried blocking him out, but he just seems to be everywhere. Yet, he's nowhere.

That's one of the reasons I try to escape every year. So I would get back to my best friend. Even though my attempts so far have all failed, I am not going to stop until I'm free and happy, with or without him.

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