Chapter 3

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Chris P.O.V.
I scanned the crowd looking at the drunk people and noticed something or someone was missing... Victoria. I began to walk through the crowd in search of her wonder if she was avoiding me. I looked at the door seeing a massive wave of people flooding in I rolled my eyes because the party was getting out of hand. As I began to turn away from the door I saw Victoria and her friends come stumbling in through the crowd of people. I looked Victoria up and down dam she looked hot. I decided to hide and make her work for me, after all I knew that was the only real reason she came.
Victoria's P.O.V
The party was raging people drinking,dancing, and have a good time. Me and Eva grabbed some drinks and headed out to the dance floor, we danced to mostly ever song until we couldn't feel are feet anymore and decided to take a break. As I sat down I spotted Chris making out with two girls. I rolled my eyes at the image that was in front of me. I forced myself to look away but it was to late he had caught me in the act. He smirked at me and pushed both girls away, I could tell the were both upset by the way they walked away. I got up and began to leave the spot I was at so Chris won't be able  to confront me. I stood by a wall in the corner watching the people lose it, maybe it would be okay for me to lose it for once and let someone else hold down the fort. My thought were broke when I felt an arm go around my waist. I spun around and pushed the prev off, then I realized it was Chris. " Woah, babe calm down it just me", he said regaining his balance. " Well you scared me, I thought you were some prev oh wait you are one", I said. " Chris then grabbed my hand bring me only a few inches from him. I was caught off guard for a second but played it cool making sure to drowned my feeling out . " You look so fucking hot, tonight V", Chris groaned. " V, um that's
interesting, also I don't need you  to tell me when I look hot, I already know", I bit back. Chris then closed the gap between us and kissing me roughly. My back hit the wall, as we continued to make out. I pushed my hands through his hair slightly pull, which made him moan. Chris left my lips and began to kiss my neck leaving hickeys here and there. "Chris" I moaned as he hit a sensitive spot. He smirk as he heard me moan. His hands traveled down now resting on my butt slightly squeezing it. He pull away from the kiss, many people were whispering to one another about what they just say. " Let's go to my room", Chris said taking my hand dragging me through the crowd. He push open the door dragging me in and then shutting the door behind me. I walked up to him and smashed my lips onto his. His hands found there way under my thighs lifting me up. He laid me on his bed, and continued to kiss up my neck. I decided it was time to take control and tease him. I flipped us over and began to rock my hip against his as I pulled his shirt over his head and began to kiss up his chest. Chris was surprised by actions, he began to moan as I rocked harder and began to leave hickeys all over . " Victoria" Chris moaned out. The feeling of making him so needy turned Victoria on she could make him want her to the point he would rip her clothes off. Chris's hand slowly began to go under her shirt, lifting it off her body. He then flipped them back over and kissed Victoria's newly exposed chest . " Chris" she moaned out to him. Then it hit her she was letting him in and letting him go somewhere. She pushed him off her and began to put her shirt back on. " What the fuck is your deal", Chris snapped. " I'm not letting you in my pant that easy, or ever", she said beginning to walk out. Chris rushed to the door and closed it before she could leave. " Do you really think this is just about getting in your pants Victoria", he said annoyed. " Oh don't bullshit me this is what you have had planned from the first time you talked to me", she said. " Yeah maybe it was, but not now I like you Victoria a lot", Chris said taking her hand. " Don't say that I know your lying", she said pulling her hand to her chest."God, why can't you accept the fact that someone care for you and is willing to do anything for you," Chris said. " Your a fuckboy Chris you play girls for the fun of it just like a I play boy, we would never work don't you see that", Victoria said walking to the bed to sit down. " What if I can prove you wrong what if I change,", Chris said sitting down next to her. " Please, your Chris the penetrator no way in hell you would give that up for some fling that won't work", Victoria said. " Well how about a date, to prove to you that I can change and that I'm serious", Chris offered. " Fine, I'll go on a date with you", Victoria said. " Great", Chris said. After there talk Chris and Victoria went back to the party. "There you are , did you hook up with Chris", Norra asked. " God no, but he did ask me on a date and I said yes", Victoria said. " OMG, you are going on a date with penetrator Chris no fucking way", Vilde shouted. " Yea I am" Victoria smiled. " I am."

Yay so chris asked her on a date and she said yes. Do you think something will happen with they or not? Do you think she with let Chris in or keep pushing him away? Do you think Chris is playing Victoria or not?
Please comment and vote for this.❤️love you guys

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