Chapter Five the aftermath from that night/the hormone pills

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Naruto pov:

It was monday November the second and I was still feel nausea after saturday my dad had already call the school to let them know that I had doctor's appointment today with that done I finally came down stairs and my dad had left already for work or so I thought he had but he left a note for me which said naruto don't forget about your doctor's appointment today at ten and I was out the door I was locking the house up with my house key that was on key chain that sasuke had brought for me on our third anniversary.When I saw sasuke pull up in his car just as I was locking up the house as we were on our way to the hospital sasuke said that he had gotten a part time job thanks to his brother working at the movie theater but the down side was he would be working with his brother Itachi as well as his best friend deidara and I said deidara isn't that bad of a guy sasuke then sasuke said well you do have point but he and my brother are good friends.As we arrived at the hospital me,sasuke went into the waitting room we didn't have wait long becasue the nures said Naruto,Tsunade will see you now also you can being someone with back if wanted and I said is going to be coming back with us so me and sasuke went with the nures to room and she said Tsunade will be right with you two so just set on the bed.Then the nures left at that mounted Tsunade came into the room then she asked me how are you feel today and I said I was still feel nausea as well as having cramps once that was said Tsunade said I see well I'm going precrib hormon pill that will help the baby so don't worry ok this will just give the baby more room to grow as well as an important vimtine that baby will need to so if want to bring someone with we have a look a your baby by using the ultrasound.When Tsunade said that to me,I said is ok sasuke who is the father of the baby as well as my boyfriend to be there and she said that sound great to me so we went to another room where ultrasound machine was at when Tsunade asked me lay down on the bed for her as well as lifted me shirt up as I did that sasuke just sat right next to me.

Then Tsunade said you must be sasuke would you it nice to met you and we can get started as Tsunade turn on the ultrasound machine before she had put cold gled on naruto's stomach then she lightly put ultrasound wand on his stomach and as she did this it didn't take long to find naruto and sasuke baby.Than point on the screen and there is your baby that little dote at that mounted naruto,sasuke were really happy as well as being a little scared too and Tsunade asked do you guy wanted a picture to take with you and they both said yes then Tsunade said I'll print one off you two before Tsunade left said naruto I almost forget the hormone pill that I'm prescribing will need dad to sing for them.So I'll call to let him know that he can when pick up at the pharmacy that he sing for them and you will make gain weight it will five pound or more and you will start having some pain after the pills kick in so drink a lot of water if the pain get worries then call me right away and we will change the dosage.When she left the room to go get the ultrasound picture for them naruto clean off the ultrasound gled off his stomach and sasuke got down on one knee looked at naruto stomach that when he said to both naruto as well as the baby I will always be here for you and your mommy because I love the both of you so much after sasuke said that to naruto began to cry tears happy's because sasuke wasn't never really a big softly until but he was right now as naruto put his arm around sasuke.Meanwhile minato was at the mall shopping for his grandchild and he had two bags in his hand when Iruka saw manito shopping he asked minato are shopping for baby stuff and minato said yes I am it for my grandchild,I still can believe that I'm going to a grandfather Iruka then Iruka said hey it most amazing as well as happy time.And I also bought something for naruto,sasuke babies booties there yellow until they know if their have a boy or girl as those two were talking minato cell phone was ring and it was Tsunade so he answered his phone then Tsunade said minato this Tsunade I was just calling to tell you that naruto hormone pill are ready at the pharmacy so you will need to sing for them when you pick them up these pill will help the baby grow and naruto will gain weight before I forget naruto will be in some pain once the pill kick in he will need to drink plenty of water if the pain get worse call me and bring him to the hospital right away.

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