Chapter One: The Woman

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Chapter One:

Batman stood upon the rooftop of a dark alley, staring down at the thievery going on below him. He had been tracking the Skull Gang for several weeks now and finally, had located their base of operations. The only problem was, for his plan to go without complication, he needed a way in that wasn't running through the front door or bursting through the roof. Good for a glass ceiling or the like, but not good for a stone cavern within an abandoned subway station and only one point of access. He was crazy, not suicidal.

"Batman to Oracle, come in."

"Read you Batman, what's up?"

"I have an idea. I'm going off radar for a bit. If anything comes up, handle it for me."

"How long?"

"Next couple hours at least, possibly a day."

"Will do. Be Careful Bruce."

"Thanks Oracle. Batman out."

With speed and agility, he glided down to the men without a sound and smashed into the first one he came across, slamming him into the wall with incredible strength. With one down, he turned to the last three. They rushed him as one, but it did them no good. He round housed the first and slammed his fist into the second, both going down without any sign of getting back up before he turned to the final thief and grabbed his shirt, slamming him over his shoulder and into the concrete.

With a signal to alert the police, he stomped over to one of the bigger fellows and dragged him into a dark alley. With practiced ease, he walked out and no one was the wiser as he made his way down the street, now dressed in a pair of jeans with a blue band t-shirt and a faded jean jacket and a black cap that shadowed his eyes.


The Justice League was due for its annual founders meeting and Superman was the one in charge of it. With a speed that could rival the Flash, he dashed back and forth, making sure every little detail was in place.

Stopping, with a pleased smile on his face, he took in the large steel round table before him and the leather chairs sitting around it, each with a name embroidered into the leather in a specific color. Nearest to him was the word SUPERMAN in blue. Beside it, WONDER WOMAN in red. Beside her was Hawk Girl in gold, Green Lantern in green, Martian Manhunter in purple, Flash in yellow, Aquaman in orange, and having led all the way back to where he had started, was the final chair that read BATMAN in silver.

This conference had been specifically made for the founders only and was not only where they held their most important meetings, but also where they often went to escape if they needed a place of seclusion. Off to the side was a sitting in the back left corner with a television, a coffee table and three small couches. Beside that was a small bar where they could wet their whistle should they have the urge and beside that was a computer hub, while open for any of the founders to use, it was often either Batman who used it when he wanted to be alone, in the dark, and working or the Flash who played games on it when overly bored.

Superman chuckled to himself. He could still remember the moment Bruce had logged on only to find the entire screen filled with downloaded video games.

"This is not a computer for your childish tendencies," a very annoyed Bat had stated coldly, his eyes, which made everyone on the base nearly wet their pants, stared straight at the scarlet speedster who refused to meet them.

"Oh come on bats, it's not like it's hurting anything. Besides, you said we could use it whenever for whatever."

"For work. Yes." The bat ground out.

"I am working. I am working on calming down, staying un-bored, and out of everyone's way."

Superman noticed Bruce's jaw clench and was nearly about to step in when suddenly the bat sighed and relaxed, ever so slightly.

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