Epilogue: Meaning in life

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The rest, as they say, was history in the making.

The last of the resistance beside their new team of allies, rushed throughout America and took down each and every Luther supporter they could find. Those who they could they arrested. Those who refused, unfortunately, were killed. It was not intended to be a war, but sometimes war was what a world needed to return to order.

The Justice League stayed as long as they could, attempting to help clean up each of the cities. Bruce and Richard took Gotham. Clark and Martha took Metropolis. Johnn and Diana took Kansas. Flash and Lantern took Central. Johnn and Shayera took Star. They did what they could, traveling from each of their cities to others around the nation, but in the end, they knew only the people of that world would be able to put things right again.

Lex Luther hadn't gone down easily. He had met them head on with force, but Lex was a man like any other and in the face of an uncaptured, unbeaten superman, he crumbled like a bag of bricks. Lex was placed behind bars to rot as Martha Wayne became the next United States President with a disguised John Jones as her vice.

Thomas Wayne and Connor Wayne were laid to rest beside the bodies of their family who had died during the resistance and both Martha, Richard, and the rest of the country said their final goodbyes.

Finally, several months later, the time had come for them to go back to their own time and place. While it was sad to see her new friends go, it was especially sad for Martha and Richard to see Bruce and Clark go.

"I know you may not be of my time," she whispered to them as she hugged them goodbye, "but you are my sons and I am your mother, blood or not."

Clark gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping to the light. Bruce on the other hand, stared at the two of them with a sting of regret.

"I am sorry that I can't stay longer," he told them as he pulled Richard in for a quick hug before turning to his mother. "You are still my mother, my time or not," he replied, kissing her forehead, "and I will always be glad to have met you."

Martha sniffled as she smiled and waved to him as he turned to the light and noticed his team within its entrance, waiting on him. With a smile, Clark and Bruce gave a wave and were gone.

Martha Wayne went down in history as the only female president and actually, only president, to serve twelve years in office before she died of a heart attack. Richard Wayne went on to become a national billionaire who was the leading voice for rebuilding a new America. Following Martha's death, he ran and was elected as the next president of the nation now known as New America. He eventually met and married a beautiful young woman named Barbara and had twin sons with her, sons they named Bruce Connor Wayne and Clark Thomas Wayne.


In his own city of Gotham, Bruce stared down at the streets filled with crime and thought of New America and all they had done to better it. Would his world one day hit that place where war was needed in order to bring about order from chaos? He hoped it would never come to that, but then again... aren't we already at war?

"Hey dad," a voice piped up on the com, "Can you tell Dick to step bossing me around. He keeps telling me I can't become Batman because he will be Batman, but I will, right?!"

Bruce sighed as Dick came online.

"I was only stating the obvious to him dad."

"Your all crazy," came another voice, even younger than the other two, "I'll be batman, right dad!"

"Dick, Tim, Damian... I'm trying to work a case," he growled into the headset.

"Oh sorry dad," came Tim's quick reply.

"Sorry dad," Dick responded in kind.

"That doesn't answer anything!" Damian argued, "Come on dad, at least tell us..."

He cut them off, enjoying the silence before another annoying voice came over the com.

"Batman, we have a situation."

"Clark, I am trying to..." He cut himself off, highly annoyed. "What is it."

"Well its hard to explain over the com. I think..."

"I'll be right there," he growled, slamming his fingers over the com to cut the connection.

Sometimes, he thought to himself, family is overrated.

Jumping from the building, he soared through the sky with his glider lost in this thoughts. Flashes of another Richard streaked through his mind, along with the teary eyes of his mother. He recalled the funeral he had as a child for his parents and how Alfred had taken him in. He recalled the recent funeral of Thomas and Connor Wayne and those in attendance; so scarce, so few.

He was grateful for the family he has, he realized. Very grateful.



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