Chapter Two: The Story

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Chapter Two:

Batman watched the replay of the cafeterias recording again and again, studying the strange light and its reaction to both Superman and Fate.

The other founders stood behind him, silently watching him, unsure of what they should say or do in order to support or comfort him. It was hard to do so for anyone, but doing it for the Batman, was by far the biggest challenge any had ever faced.

"Bruce, are you sure she is your mother? She doesn't look that old and... I know she wore your mothers ring on her finger and had your fathers in her hand, but... maybe... I don't know, maybe she did steal them and..."

"No. I had Johnn run a blood test. It is biologically her, just not the Martha Wayne I knew."

"Maybe she had plastic surgery?" Wally suggested smiling.

"That could be possible," Bruce stated, glaring fiercely at him, "If she wasn't dead in our world."

Wally choked a bit. "S-Sorry."

Batman closed his eyes. "You didn't know," he replied, his hand scratching his chin thoughtfully, "Question is why is she here. She obviously isn't this times Martha Wayne, so where did she come from or more important, when."

"I couldn't sense anything about her," Fate replied, "Only that she had been enveloped within the time rifts magic and transported to our own dimension."

"Will she wake up soon?" Bruce asked, looking to Johnn.

"I cannot say when, but she should. Physically, I can find nothing wrong with her. Mentally... I was unable to access her mind."

The others frowned.

"Why not?" Shayera asked, "I thought you could access anyone's."

"Normally yes," he replied before glancing at Batman with an almost amused look, "except a select few with very strong mental blocks."

Everyone turned to stare at Batman who stared right back.

"Safety precaution," he replied bluntly, "you're saying she can do what I can do?"

"Indeed. I would even go as far to say that hers is slightly stronger."

Bruce frowned.

"Is that a bad thing?" Clark asked, confused.

"It takes years of practice to be able to do what I do. The fact she can, means she also practiced and wasn't being the mom and wife of a billionaire I remember. Something happened in her world and if she forced herself to learn how to do something like that, it obviously means whatever happened wasn't good and no doubt, it explains why she has come here to us."

"She wants help," Diana replied, following his thought.

"Yes," he nodded, "why, is the ultimate question."

"Johnn, this is cyborg, come in."

"Cyborg, I am here."

"Our mystery lady seems to be waking up."

Everyone hurried to the doors.

"On our way."


White blinked, her head ached as she sat up and looked around her unfamiliar surroundings. Had their plan worked? Where was she? A hospital?

The sound of a door sliding open caught her attention and she looked up into the face of a green, red eyed Martian standing before. A Martian she fully recognized.

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