"Please Don't Act Like You Know Me..."

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          What is that awful noise? I swear if that is my alarm clock, someone is going to end up in the hospital.  My head is pounding and this alarm clock isn't making it better. Once I eventually decide to wake up, I'm going to smash.....wait. I don't even own an alarm clock.

          'Okay, eyes I am going to open you and you are going to like it.'


          I try to open my eyes, but they won't open. It's life my eyes are sewn shut. I do not want to deal with this today. I feel like I've been run over by a truck.  Second times the charm. Hopefully.

          'On 3 eyes. One...Two.....Waitttt. Am I really risking my precious sleep time just to find out what that horrible beeping noise is? Damn. Okay. One...Two...Three...OPEN!!!'

          I open my eyes and I'm immediately blinded by a bright light. The aliens must be here to kidnap me. Its not like they're real or anything. I look around to find where that beeping is coming from and find out its coming from a machine they have in hospitals.

          'When I said someones going to end up in a hospital, I didn't mean me.'


          Despite the soreness I'm feeling all over, I sit myself up trying to remember what happened to me and exactly why I'm in the hospital. I wonder if my family knows where I am and what happened to me. I need answers and I want then now. The only reasonable explanation for this is that this is all I dream. I slap myself. Okay, definitely not a dream.

          The door opens and my brother walks in backwards like he is speaking to someone or something. He's carrying a coffee cup from Starbucks and his overall appearance from my angle looks messy and not the hot, adorable kind.  I hear him sigh and I feel my heart break.

          He turns around and stares at me before drinking his coffee and sitting in a nearby chair. I wait a couple seconds, seeing if he would notice. He takes another sip before his spits his coffee and whips his head towards me.

          "You look like you've just seen a ghost. At least tell me when you see something cool. I wanna get in on that action since my best friend is a weeb." I chuckled at his expression.

          My brother drops his coffee and runs out the door. I can hear him yelling for a doctor.  Something bad must have happened to me if he's this worried about me. I could see it on his face.

          Seconds later, doctors and nurses flooded the room. They took some test trying to make sure nothing serious happened to me. Although, I felt like I was missing something, something very important.

          After a while, the doctors and nurses leave and my brother walks in. He looks so relieved but I notice he has bags under his eyes. I go and ask him a question but I couldn't so I extend my arms out attempting to give him a hug. He runs to me and hugs me tightly.

          "I missed you. I never thought you would ever wake up again. Please, please, don't ever scare me again. When I got the call that you were in an accident, I panicked. Rena, I'm so glad you're okay." I could hear the emotion in his voice. It's hurting me inside.

          I look at him and start to cry. "Tyrone, ho...how long have I been asleep? What do you mean acc..accident?" They're are so many questions running through my head but I asked the two most important ones.

          He stares at me for a moment before opening his mouth. "Rena, you've been out for three weeks. In those three weeks, I haven't properly eaten or slept unlike everyone else at home. By accident, I mean that you were in a car accident. You somehow ended up in the wrong lane and hit a truck head on."

         I stared at him, confused. "I don't remember an accident, at all."

         Before he could say another thing, the door was slammed open and someone was staring at me. He looked like he ran here because he was breathless and sweaty. The stranger was tall and had blond hair with brown roots.

         "Rena, I've missed you, so much. I was worried sick about you." He walked to the side of the bed and hugged me.

         I pushed him away as hard as I could. "Who are you and why are you touching me?"

         I saw pain flash in his eyes. I had hurt him, but I have no idea who this person is. He looked over to my brother and had a silent conversation with him. Its like they knew each other. My brother cleared his throat.

         "Rena, this is Tate Nolan. Your boyfriend." I thought he was joking so I laughed while they stared at me confused.

        I stopped laughing and became all serious again. "I'm seriously not in the mood right now, Tyrone. I have no idea who this Tate guy is." I turned to Tate. "Please don't act like you know me when you obviously don't."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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