007: Per Diem

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"My name is Kim Dong Hyuck, but most people know me as Hae Chan of NCT."

Su Bin drops my wrist immediately, shocked the fact that a member of the most notorious gang is standing in front of him, "I-I'm so sorry, Mr Hae Chan...Sir." Hae Chan just pushes him out of the way before taking my wrist in his hands, his touch almost ghostly as he inspects the bloodied skin.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up," He smiles to me, talking the same way he was when we first met. I nod my head, moving away from Su Bin who stands on the other side of Hae Chan. "Now, if you ever touch her again, you are a dead man," He hisses at the other male, causing me to flinch at the change in his voice, "Go." With that one command, Su Bin fled the scene and left me alone with a concerned red head.

He turns to me, cupping my small face in his hands and examining me for any other injuries besides the one of my wrist. I don't even realize I am crying until he pulls my into his chest, combing his fingers on his right hand through my hair and his left hand holding my lower back. I don't try to stop them though, knowing that I can't hide anything from him anymore. I let my hands grip onto his black long sleeve, just crying into his warmth.

"It's okay, I'm here now," He whispers to me, placing his chin atop my head, "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." It's this side of him that throws me for a loop; he's supposed to be a merciless killer, but he's protecting and comforting me. "Can I bring you home?" He asks, hearing my breathing regulate and my sobs subside, and I nod. 

He keeps his left hand around my waist as the two of us make our way to the house, but I freeze, "Why are you doing this? Were you sent to come find me?" It would make sense, maybe they paid Su Bin too. It would explain why he is being nice to me, bringing me home, comforting me, it could be just to get revenge for shooting him or 'hiring' their gang.

"I was drinking after you left, trying to ease the pain from the bullet, and they just got too loud," He explains, no sign of hesitation or lies, "I needed to get some air, so I went for a walk and stumbled upon you and your pal back there. There is no plan behind this, I just want to make sure you get home safe."

We stand in front of the house, the sky darkening and the air getting colder as night starts to fall. I open the door, knowing that it would be locked if someone came home and since I was dragged out...it's unlocked to say the least. I turn my head to look behind me, he still stands at the edge of the pavement and urges me inside.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask, feeling as if I should repay him for saving me in some sort of way. Maybe I could make him food and then drive him back to the bar, "It's got to be half past five, just come in." He smiles, walking up to meet me and following me into the home. 

I look down at my feet, my brand new white socks now ruined because I hadn't had shoes on when I was being dragged about the streets. "Don't worry, I'll buy you a new pair," He tells me, placing his black converse next to my pair and they look quite cute together. I shake my head, leading him further into the house, and direct him to the living room.

"I'm just going to go change quickly, you can watch something on the television or something," I speak, scratching the nape of my neck. He nods, shooing me to my room to change, and sits on the sofa while laying his head back.

I rush up the flight of stairs, uncomfortable at the fact that I had just left him on the same floor as the money I had collected before. Would he steal it back? Is that why he came here? No, he more than likely doesn't know it's even here. Plus, he seems to tired to go looking for anything at the moment.

I walk towards the armoire, thinking about the fact that Hae Chan had just saved me. Should I feel humiliated by that? He is one of the people that I am collecting from, so I am supposed to seem tough and unfazed by anything. If the tells the others about it, they might not take me seriously and then I could get in trouble by Na Hyun. 

I finish dressing into a pair of white joggers and a black Adidas jumper, throwing my hair into a messy bun before heading out of my room and throwing the other clothes into the plastic hamper by my door. Laundry night is tomorrow, so I've got to make sure I separate the colors later and keep them organized. I think it's Min Ji's day tomorrow as well, so I've got to be extra careful or she will yell at me for leaving a white in the other color wash. 

"I'm just out, I'll be back in a bit," I hear Hae Chan speak as I close my bedroom door behind me, listening into the conversation, "I'm okay, just got caught up in something." I try to walk extremely quiet, so that he doesn't hear me. Who is he talking to? "I know, I know, I'll grab something on the way home. I have to go now," He finishes, his figure now coming into my view.

He sits on the grey sofa, his elbows on his knees, taking the phone off his ear and letting his head hang. His shoulders rise as he inhales, falling slowly as he let's the air out. "Do you want something to eat? I'll drive you home afterwards, it's getting pretty late," I state, walking by him and into the kitchen. I hear him stand from the old cushions, his footsteps following my own. 

"I don't want to trouble you, I can just grab something while walking-"

"Nope, I'm making you food and taking you home. It's the least I can do for you for what you did earlier," I cut him off, pulling a box of ramyeon from cupboard and placing it on the counter. I turn to see him sitting at the island, lower lip between his teeth and smiling lightly at me. 

"You're lucky that you're cute, Jeongie. I don't usually take getting cut off lightly," He informs me, winking with his left eye. I roll my own pair, turning back to the cupboards to grab a pot to fill with water. He chuckles at my reaction, "Very cute." 

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