Chapter 6: The Talk

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An hour after Severus heard Harry leave he was finally sure the boy wouldn't return for a while. He had an elf bring him a simple breakfast and accioed some of favourite potions books in hopes of ridding the earlier events from his mind but it was ineffective as the image boy and his excited body were stuck in Severus' head for good. Severus began to feel guilty at the memory of the sound of Harry's voice when Severus practically told him to piss off. Severus overreacted, as usual and in turn hurt someone who was trying to help him, as usual. At this thought he remembered overreacting to James' comment and calling his only friend the worst thing imaginable effectively losing her for ever. 'No.' He thought, 'I'll fix this, I'll apologize' Severus made to roll over and swing his feet over the edge of the bed but found himself tense in pain. 'I'll talk to him at dinner' He lay back down and decided to rest his eyes for a few hours.

                   ~                    #                    ~

"Mr Potter. We're taking a break. Come have lunch in the Great Hall" Mcgonagall offered. Harry wanted to decline the invitation and check up on Severus but decided that after the mornings dealings they needed to have a long conversation and lunch time wasn't the right time to do so.

In the Hall Harry was pleased to see Hermione and Ron if for nothing more than a distraction.
"Harry!" Hermione threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly
"How are you mate?" Ron asked
"Im really good actually, how about you guys?"
"We're great, we heard Snape was released from the hospital wing, does that mean you'll be coming back to the burrow before school starts?"
"I don't know Hermione, I really don't"
"What do you mean mate?" Ron asked as the three of them slipped into side by side seats at the one large round table that replaced the four house tables during break.
"I was going to stay to take care of Severus but something happened and I don't know if he wants me to stay anymore" Ron was silent at the use of their most hated teachers first name and furthermore his Professors want to stay and help said Professor.
"Harry..." Hermione dropped her voice to a whisper that Ron and Harry had to strain to hear "...Do you like Professor Snape?"
"Well I don't hate him anymore and he's not that bad to be around, we spent hours just talking yesturday"
"But do you like him romantically?" Ron choked on his pumpkin juice earning a scolding look from Hermione. Harry who was seated between his friends looked down at his empty plate to avoid meeting his friends gazes.
"Harry?" Ron asked a little raspy as his throat recovered.
"It's alright Harry. We may not like the idea of you two together and it may take some getting used to but we're still here for you, you can tell us anything and everything"
"Maybe not everything..." Ron said quickly "What 'Mione!? I'm sure you wouldn't want to know everything if Harry and Snape were screwing!" It was a whisper yell that luckily didn't draw anyone's attention attention.
"Harry knew what I meant." Hermione huffed.
"Thanks guys, but it's embarrassing, I'll um, I'll let you know what's going to happen after Severus and I have talked"
"It's definetly going to take time to get used to that"
"It's Snape's given name Ron, get over it" Hermione defended
"Yes but coming from Harry it's just weird... Sorry mate"
"You two are bickering like an old married couple, honestly anyone would think you've been together for years" Harry chuckled. Both Ron and Hermione went quiet and resumed their eating for a while. Harry didn't notice the sudden blushes on either of his friends faces.
"Harry, Ron and I have some news, it's part of the reason we came here..."
"Okay, what's up guys?" Harry asked
"Ron and I are seeing eachother... we have been since the end of the war"
"I'm so happy for you guys!" Harry yelled forgetting there were others in the room.
"Oops Sorry" Harry whispered as everyone went back to their meals.

                   ~                    #                    ~

The day flew by far too quickly and Harry found himself at the door to Severus' rooms in the dungeons. Usually he'd just walk in but Harry felt it was possibly too much to barge in to what may no longer be his home, so instead he raised a fist and wrapped gently on it.
"No need to knock Harry" Harry sighed and entered completely missing that Severus had called him by his first name and with less conviction than Harry expected. Harry stiffly strolled into the room and took a seat on the couch away from the chair Severus was occupying. Harry knew Severus had left his bed but after getting an elf to check on him he wasn't worried.

"-Severus we need to talk-"
"-Harry we need to have a serious conversation-" the two spoke at the same time then nodded to acknowledge eachother words.
"-I have to apologize-" Snape said at the whilst Harry spoke
"-Severus I'm really sorry-"
"What are apologizing for Harry?" Severus asked completely confused,
"I was going ask the same thing"
"You first"
"Severus, hear me out completely before you say anything, please..." Harry waited for Severus to nod before he continued
"I've been pushing it since day one, holding your hand-"
"-I've already-"
"You promised you'd stay quiet and hear me out."
"Sorry" Severus said and gestured for Harry to continue
"As I was saying, I've been ignoring privacy boundaries this whole time... why are you writing stuff down?"
"So I can remember what I'm going to say when you're finished"
"Fine. Anyways. I was really pushing it in the bathroom this morning, you asked me to leave you while you... used the loo but I ignored you, you were giving off all the signals that mean No and I didn't listen. I let my own teenage hormones and desires get in the way of everything and when I saw... I couldn't help myself, I'm so sorry Severus, I didn't mean to ruin this thing, whatever it is, so, um, yeah that's it." When Harry finished his tirade Severus scribbled a few other things on the page before turning to Harry. Trust Severus Snape to plan out a conversation about an untimely erection.
"Firstly. I already told you I didn't mind you holding my hand, it was comforting and if I recall correctly I even held on to you when you were going to let go. You have hardly been pushing boundaries, if anything it's I who have pushed boundaries... asking you to come and help me in the bathroom, letting you stay in my chambers, telling you you could share my bed instead of having your own and I'm going to be completely honest but I expect you to do the same... I wanked this morning when you were still in the bed with me. So I hardly see how any of the blame for that falls on your shoulders. Secondly I'm apologizing because I overreacted. You're still a teenager and henceforth your body is far more active than my own, furthermore you cannot, just like every other man alive, control when you get a hard. I shouldn't have assumed it meant you were attracted to me and I shouldn't have let you think it was your fault for our falling out. That's all I wanted to say."
"But Severus... I am..."
"You are what Harry?"
"Attractedtoyou" Harry mumbled. Severus barely caught he words but as he realised what he heard his facade broke to show shock, Harry quickly amended his statement
"Im sorry I know we just sorted everything out and I'm probably redoing the damage that's just been repaired"
"Potter quit rambling. I asked for your honesty, you gave it me. Now I must confess that I too have some sort of... attraction to you as well"
"When did it start for you?" Harry asked now curious and though still bright red Harry felt relieved and more relaxed.
"To be perfectly honest somewhere between waking up to you by my bedside and the dream I had last night"
"The dream?"
"I'd prefer not to disclose such information to you, I trust you to respect my privacy... When did it all start for you?"
"When you were unconscious, I'd always thought you looked... attractive but it was overshadowed by your mean and horrible act. And when I saw the memories I realised there was something more to you than that mean old greasy git... when you were unconscious you weren't being vile and cruel so I had a chance to see you for you... but it was when Madam Pomfrey told me the decision had to be made as to whether you lived or died that I realised how much I cared... I cried you know. I cried alot when you were out of it. Hermione and Ron thought I was still grieving from the war but I was crying for you, because I'd never get to tell you: I'm sorry for my father's actions, or that you weren't to be blamed for my parents death or that... that I care for you in a way I probably shouldn't."
Severus didn't know how to reply to the touching words of the young man before him so he stood and walked an unsteady four steps to Harry. Severus placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, mostly to balance himself and placed the other hand against the boys cheek. Severus then leaned forward and softly, lovingly placed his lips against Harry's. The kiss was still, there was no parting of lips or battle of the tongues just a simple and meaningful lips to lips kiss. When the pair broke apart Harry smiled and Severus hugged him tightly to his chest,
"Thank you Harry, Thank you"

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