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Thanks all of you who are reading my first story! Please give it a chance. i promise it will get better!

No one is ever perfectly content.

 Everyone wants to have a legacy, to be remembered as a legend. To make a difference in the world. To be a somebody. Everyone wants that chance.

The government wanted a chance too, they wanted to be able to defy nature, to do something deemed impossible. They announced their plan, 100 million acres of mixed land cut off from the rest of the world, meant to hold humans. The plan was to place humans inside, and have them start a new life, pretending nothing existed outside of the land. From there, the government hoped to study the people, and see how they evolved when placed in different scenarios. Their end goal was to create super-humans with the information they gathered. Genetic evolution sped up.

It cost 10 billion dollars to put the plan into action. They used the taxes from the people, told them it was for a great, new cause. The government was fearful, worried someone would try to stop their plan.  But no one complained. They were all to busy bribing and bartering to make it into that same land. They wanted to know their future generations had a chance to be what they thought they couldn't be. Finally, 200 lucky subjects where chosen from the rest. They signed their contracts, they knew what had to be done. Pretend nothing existed outside of the land. 

Most importantly? Stay alive against the horrors the government set up against them.

When the first subjects entered the land, a force-field like dome was placed around the land. The scientists could see through the dome, but the subjects could not see out of it. A giant laboratory. Everyone was excited to put the plan into action, but little did the subjects know, the government wasn't ready. Throughout 10 years, 8 sets of test subjects entered the dome. Impatient scientists seeing no results used the dome to flood the place and kill off the subjects. Then they would start over, with new, excited subjects.

Then, something terrible happened, something no one could truly dream of happening. Human were wiped out. Biological warfare. Everyone knew it was dangerous, but no one thought anything would actually happen. But it happened, the disease attached itself to people, soon everyone was a lifeless zombie, harmless, but dead. And soon everyone was gone. Humans, wiped out and replaced with... zombie's. All except the test subjects inside the dome, they lived on.

The final 200 people on earth. Subject group 9.

They didn't know that everyone else was gone, and remained doing their job. If they had known, they would have done more. Maybe panic, maybe go out and save people, and then die or something. But either way, it was good they didn't know. Because if they did, the disease could have killed them too, wiping away the last humans in existence.

1,000 years later, the first power-wielding, magical, human beings came into existence. But with these powers, came a entirely new set of problems.

A Almost Perfect ExtinctionWhere stories live. Discover now