Chapter 1

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1500 years later...

"How do you tell a story? How do I start my story? It feels like everything went wrong ages ago..."  My voice shakes as I speak. The recording device in front of me crackles, I hit the pause button on it, and it falls silent.  I take a deep breath, barely keeping myself from bursting into tears. You promised Evan you would do this, I tell myself. This is the last thing you have to do. Wiping away the single tear that drips down my face, I press record.

"Let me start from the beginning..."


2 months before

"...And so, our scientists have concluded that we are made up of magical rock." My science teacher concluded, finishing his speech. I yawned in boredom.  My eyelids drooped, and I slumped lower into my seat. 

At the moment, I was in Science class. After listening to a half an hour speech on what humans are made of, I was very very bored. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I heard the teachers voice start up again, and I did my best to tune him out. A few minutes later I was oblivious to the world around me. 

All of a sudden, I felt a hesitant tap on my shoulder. I ignored it, and shifted in my seat. A few moments later, I felt another tap.

"Yo, Lexius" I heard a voice behind me hiss. I slowly turned around, blinking my eyes blearily.

"What do you want?" I grumbled.

The shoulder tapper was Lori, she was talkative, loud, and always wanted attention. She never passed an opportunity to try to win compliments from anyone she thought was popular, or to pass a opportunity to talk to them. I was not considered popular by her. Not that I was the super nerdy kid, no, I was just very average. Too average.

"Hey, can you pass this note to Xander?" Lori whispered, holding out a folded slip of paper. She looked over my shoulder, and gave a flirty smile to the guy in front of me, who I assumed was Xander. Xander was the most wanted guy in my school, he was handsome, talented, and  rumored to have been personally trained by the captain of our army. Of course these facts made it so that he seemed like a living legend. It was no surprise Lori was trying to get his attenton.

I sighed and held out my hand for the note. Once Lori smashed it into my hand, I reached fowards slowly and plopped the note onto Xander's desk. I saw Xander looked up in suprise. Once he noticed the note on his desk, he grabbed it and unfolded it slowly. As his eyes slowly scanned the note, I felt someone breathing down my back. I looked behind me. Lori was leaning over her desk  so far, her head was basically in front of mine. After giving her a glare, I put my head back down on my desk. 

A few minutes later, I heard a thud. Looking up, I saw another note on my desk, one from Xander. In front of me, Xander was turning back around to face the teacher. His eye caught mine for a few moments, and by the look in his eyes when he saw me, I could tell he thought of me lowly. I reached for the note, ready to send it to Lori.

A hand snatched it out from in front of me. Within seconds, Lori had read the note and was giggling. Just as she grabbed her pencil to write another note, the bell rang.

Relived, I gathered up my stuff. As I walked into the hallway for my next class, Lori caught up to me.

"Lexius! Hi! I was talking to Max the other day and he was talking about how he found out his talent last month. And OMG I just realized tomorrow is the Ceremony of Discovery.  Aren't you sooo excited..."

The Ceremony of Discovery is the ceremony that every person goes through the year they turn 16. It's the start of discovering your magical talent. During the ceremony, every person is given a small vial of potion to drink. Once they drink it, for some reason their bodies unlock a magical power. Not everyone's power shows up right away, for some it takes days or weeks. For others it might never show up in their lifetime. Most powers are pretty minor, for example being able to make flowers bloom or turning stone into metal. Some powers though, can be things like flying, or controlling water. 

"...Lexius, are you listening to me?" Lori looked at me curiously. I nodded my head.

"I asked you what power you think you'll get."

Tomorrow, the youngest person in my grade turned 16. Because of that, my entire grade was taking part in the ceremony. Everyone was super excited.

Except me.

I knew I probably wouldn't get a talent for a long time. Neither of my parents had unlocked their talents, and they were nearing their 50's. My grandparents talents didn't unlock until they were in their 70's.

"Umm.. I think I'll get something like being able to see in black and white."

Lori nodded, "I really want something like talking to birds. That would be so cooool..." 

Lori waved bye to me as we turned in separate directions. As I entered the classroom for math, the teacher stopped me. Her eyes were filled with pity and she had a solemn look on her face.

"Lexius" she said, "There's been an emergency."

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