Idols in the back!

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"WHO WANTS TO JOIN THE SCHOOL IDOL CLUB?" shouted Maria, her voice full of hope. No one seemed to be listening. Maria shouted again for a while. But she stopped when she saw someone, or maybe two, walking towards her....


"I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna ask some students to join my club," murmured Maria to herself. "My club will be a success! MY CLUB WILL BE A SUCCESS!"
     "Maria!" shouted the none other than Sharine Narissa, Maria's elder sister. "Why do you have to shout that everyday?
     "Onee-chan! Sorry I was being noisy," apologized Maria, who was putting herself together. "I was just getting pumped! It's the day I've been waiting for! I'm gonna start my school idol club today!"
     Sharine seemed to have paused for a moment. She didn't move or make a sound. Maria suddenly felt uncomfortable and made her way to the bathroom.
     "Maria, I don't think that's a good idea," muttered Sharine at last. "I mean, it's good to try but, I don't think our school needs a school idol club."
     "Why?" asked Maria, surprised. "I mean, the school never has one! Why not go for it? You never know, it might just need one."
     "I'm a third-year at that school, so I know all I need to know about it."
     Sharine paused again for a moment and turned to the door.
     "I....I got to go get ready," she said in a bored tone. "I believe it's for you to get ready too, yourself!"
     "But.....!" Maria started, but Sharine already slammed her bedroom door in her face. "O-onee-chan?"


Harikata Girls High School was full of school idol advertisement posters that Maria just finished placing.
     The third and second-years, including Sharine, seemed to have noticed, but pretended not to.
     The first-years noticed to and seemed to be more interested in the drawings than in joining the club.
     Maria felt an urge that her sister was right. But, deciding not to give up like Chika and Honoka, she stuffed the urge deep in her thoughts.
     She couldn't lie to herself, so Maria admitted to herself that she was disapointed that no one was interested.
     Ashamed, she sat on an empty bench alone. Suddenly, she was once again trying to advertise the club. She stood up on the bench and shouted:
     "WHO WANTS TO JOIN THE SCHOOL IDOL CLUB?" shouted Maria, her voice full of hope. No one seemed to be listening. Maria shouted again for a while. But she stopped when she saw someone, or maybe two, walking towards her....

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