Chapter 8

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The second test came, and they went once more to the Ministry. What Harry had said about seeing things from other's points of view stayed with Draco when he took the test. It even helped him in improving his score. The test was the same questions again. Some of the questions had seemed so obvious the first time, but now Draco found himself questioning each of them. Draco could recall his answers to many of the questions the first time around, but he was rather surprised by how his talk with Harry had changed his view of what the correct answer might be.

Shacklebolt had brought his score again, and had again loomed over both he and Harry, though Harry had shrugged it off easily. The real surprise had come when they had left the Ministry that day.

He and Harry had been discussing the fact that Draco's scores had improved, and Draco had been telling him exactly why, when he heard a familiar voice at the far side of the Atrium. He looked across the room and was stunned to see his father, well-clothed, but in chains, in the company of two Aurors and a man Draco recognized as the Malfoy solicitor. He stood stock-still in the middle of the room, shocked, watching as his father and the men around him approached the spot where he stood, none of them even aware of Draco's presence.

Draco recognized the moment when Lucius's eyes scanned right past him and alighted on Harry, who had followed Draco's gaze, and was now glowering at the blond crossing the room. A sneering smile curled Lucius's lips as he stopped in front of Harry. "Mister Potter. Fancy meeting you here. And what task brings you here today?"

Part of Draco was offended that Lucius hadn't even recognized him, but another bit was grateful for the very same fact. How would Lucius react to his now-even-more-youthful son? Draco felt pleased he could hide in the anonymity of youth, and had to restrain himself from physically hiding behind Harry.

"Nothing that concerns you, Malfoy. Just here for a visit. We'll be leaving now."

Draco knew this was a mistake as soon as Harry said it, for the moment he'd said "we," Lucius's eyes landed upon Draco, and widened for a moment. Draco raised his chin, determined not to let his father see his fear but finding his vocal cords paralyzed, and therefore unable to speak.

"Draco...?" Lucius asked, cautiously.

Harry's hand landed on Draco's shoulder. "I'll ask you not to speak to my charge, Malfoy. He's not allowed to spend any time with Death Eaters," he said stiffly

Lucius's eyes shot back to Harry, and his sneer turned to a snarl. "What have you done to him, Potter? You'll pay. I promise you that."

Harry snorted. "Like you have any power left, Malfoy. I haven't done anything to Draco that he wasn't fully aware of and completely accepting of. Now, if you'll excuse us..." He pulled Draco ahead of him and moved to the lift to the street, leaving a horrified silence behind him.

Their return to Harry's house was utterly silent, both of them lost in thought.

Draco couldn't believe how different seeing his father again had been. The man had been his major influence in life, but he hadn't seen him in months. Not since the final battle. It was surprising how quickly his hold had loosened. But was that due to being separated from his influence, or was that because of Harry's more constant influence in the last few months?

He turned to Harry several times during the trip home, wanting to talk to him, but Harry obviously wasn't up to talking, so Draco sat, wondering how this might affect everything.

Harry allowed Draco to play on the computer in the den when they got home. He said he had a few things to deal with, and then they could think about what to have for dinner, then for the first time ever, he left Draco alone in the room.

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