Chapter 20

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Unfortunately, Kingsley turned out to be quite busy not only that day (which really should have been no surprise—Draco'd gotten so caught up in going over the list that he'd completely forgotten it was Christmas...), but would also be quite busy for the next week. And only a few days into the following week would be the next test.

Draco wasn't too worried about it. It would be nice to get his wand back a few weeks earlier, but at the rate he was aging, he only had two tests left. He sent the notes he'd made off to Kingsley, indicating Daphne as his top choice for "Roi," and Theo as his top choice for "Bear." He hoped his guesses would help a little, at least.

Then he spent the rest of the evening conquering the world.

Lucius joined him at some point, and then Harry and Remus came in with a plate of sandwiches for them all for dinner, and the four of them proceeded to watch a rather preachy movie that Harry kept insisting was a classic. There was no colour at all, and the main character continued to whinge about having to forget about his own dreams to keep the family business running. To a point where he even tried to commit suicide. It was really all too much. After it was over, Draco insisted that the only reason Harry liked it was because when everything changed, the town's name became "Potterville."

"Please, Draco. Like I'd want to be in any way connected to a man like that..."

Draco raised an eyebrow, and Harry flushed. "Oh, you know what I mean. I wasn't talking about you or Lucius," he grumbled.

"Really, Potter? Are you sure about that?"

"Come on. Let's go have a bit of pie before bedtime," Harry said to change the subject.

Falling asleep that night, Draco decided that even with the arguments, it really had been his best Christmas ever.

The next week was filled with hurried conversations with Hermione, one visit by Kingsley, who did have some questions about Draco's lists once he managed to find a few free hours, and another visit from Severus.

Lucius seemed to have settled into the program, though Draco could see there were a few things that still bothered him more than they did Draco, and Severus's visit seemed to help him come to terms with them. He'd never be able to separate himself from his Death Eater image, but he might actually make it through the program. He even seemed to be getting along better with Remus, which quite surprised Draco.

The morning of the next test, Draco woke up from a horrifying dream. He'd dreamed that they'd gone to the test, and for some reason, even though they'd caught the cheaters, they'd decided to cancel the program, and de-age them all to the age of four before throwing them back in Azkaban. He'd woken to an image of his aunt Bella pulling him towards her, an even madder look on her face than when he had last seen her in the middle of the final battle. He'd woken, trembling, to feel arms around him, and, terrified, struggled desperately against their hold until Harry had whispered in his ear, "It's just me, Draco, it's okay, it was just a dream."

Hearing the familiar voice, he slumped back against Harry's chest.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked him. Draco nodded, but he still couldn't manage to speak. "Do I want to know what you were dreaming about?" Harry asked softly.

Draco shook his head. "What time is it?" he managed to ask.

"Four fifteen or so. At least it was when I woke up and heard you screaming. That was a few minutes ago, though. You okay now?"

Draco shook his head. "No. Please, stay with me a bit?"

Harry sighed. "I won't leave until you fall back to sleep, okay?"

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