New school, new life...

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Remember when I told you aboute that exam I should pass?! Well, I passed it and I started a new life...Not just literary...My parents and I moved from our old flat here, at my actually house. I was so freaked out! With 2 weeks after this the school started and I didn't knew if I could do that...I mean, my old classmates were my best friends, my everything and at the end we cried so much...So,beeing a part at something new scared me...I didn't knew if I could take that pain...To lose my friends again...But, I made a choise and if I were given up, that meant that all that things that I left behind me in my road to survive...Were for nothning...So, I just went to my first day af the new school without having no idea what was going to happen...

And then, I saw her...That creepy girl that staid in my back at the exam and when I turned back and looked at her she stared at me...I was like: ,,OK! She will kill you if you'll not turn around and never watch her in the eyes again!" . I must tell you that I thought for a few second that she'll break my neck if she'll see me...But, she didn't and thank Godness I'm alive!...I was just jokeing...I mean, now she is my...Well, she's not my friend...She's like my sister...She and Maria...Another creepy girl that I hated at first and with that I foughted so many times...But here we go now! Sisters forever! And there are not just them! I have so many friends, I have so many people there to stay beside me...But, this is the greatest and the worst part in all of this beeing conected to so many people! When one of us is getting hurt, when one of us is down...We all are! And that's the most selfish reason that we're trying to help oeachother to not fall...Because you can't be happy when your friend suffers...You are there and stay with him and fell that paint and the worst is...You start to realise that yes, you feel thoose things but your friend there, he feels worst that you could feel!

So, yes, maybe I'm in this school for one year but...I learnt so many things and I felt so many ways...There, in my class, we are not classmates, we are not friends...We are family! We care aboute eachother and we have so many funny memories...But, you know, with all of theese I must tell you that...You know, my ,,family" is very creepy, stange, dangerous and probably you should run as fast as you can as far as you can because when people meet my friends, they actually start to run and never come back! And here, I'm not totaly jokeing!

I remember first time when I meet all of my actually friends...They were so ugly and strange...Oh my God every of us was so little! And now, we are so different! We changed so much! I meen, I look at them, I look at me and all that I can see are some childrens who are in a totaly rush to grow up...We weren't supposed to be like that...We are doing so many things that we shouldn't do at our age! No one of us should do! And exactly because we're in this hurry, we feel so many things that aren't for our age...And then, the pain comes and beeing a chlid, it hurts more than beeing an adult...And there are moments in we can't get it anymore and we're just given up...Theese are the consequnces that shows us that we are not ready for some feelings right now...

You know, I made so many mistakes and I'm completely impure! I have no ringht to tell you aboute theese things because my words will change nothing! But, maybe, if only could be possible for every of us to try to change theese things...With little steps, every day, every month, every year...Everything will be different...But better! We don't need to change ouselves, we need to change just the way we feel and the way we acting a little! I know it's hard and it sounds stupid and craizy but, believe me! We are trying to be someone else! Other persons that we shouldn't be! We should live our childhood in pace and in fun! Without no worries, no boyfriends or girlfriends...Just us, our friends and our families that we're pushing out of our life and even don't realise! So, just don't try so hard! Be just you and have fun!

Well, my point there was just reached so, see you at the next chapter! I hope you'll stay with me...

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