The beginning

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Pov: Allie Novak.

Once a homeless drug addict prostitute, now an inmate and Wentworth Correctional.

2 guards guided me inside the gates, I wasn't the only new comer, a whole other group I was caught up with too. Red right hand they called themselves. The leader Kaz Proctor, was my saviour. She kept me alive on so many occasions I should have been dead. She was the one person who ever has given a shit about me. We taught men who beat women a lesson, but we never killed them, just scared the living crap out of them. We ended up getting caught, got charged with assault, kidnapping and so many other things..

They walked me through the exercise yard to get to my cell. I felt a lot of tension between the women, but thought it was completely normal, I mean it is prison.

Once I got to my cell, the officer told me about the rules, what time dinner was and if ever in an emergency to press the panic button.

"Thank you..?"

"Miss miles"

"Oh thank you miss miles"

"No worries, now you can get settled in, dinner is in an hour, feel free to take a shower and relax"

"Okay, will do thanks again"

Miss miles walked off.

I decided I would take a shower, after all I was sweating horribly and smelt so bad. I got my towel and got ready to leave.

"Hey, where you going?"

It was Kaz.

"Just to shower, I smell horrible!"

"Oh okay.."


"Just don't mix with the other women, please"

"I won't, I'm just taking a shower then coming back.. and eating"

"Okay well go, I can smell you from here"

I walked off laughing, one of the things I hated most about being a homeless prostitute was, you didn't get to shower often, so I smelt rank. I feel I would cope better in prison, I actually get a proper bed, well nearly proper bed to sleep in, I get food and coffee. It's great.

I walked into the showers, I see 2 other inmates, one showering. They were talking about something, but I was more focused on taking a shower than anything. I walked into the shower and hung up my towel when I looked to the left side of me, it was a girl with red curly hair, I was nearly sure it was Bea Smith; the girl kaz spoke about being our hero. She was dead set gorgeous, I couldn't help but to stare. I begin to run the shower, still looking at her, when she catches me. She gives me a dirty look, but I still stare at her anyway, I give a smirk and turn to face into the shower.

Earlier before she caught another inmate with drugs, instead of her doing the dirty work, she got a transgender prisoner named Maxine to do it. I always thought of Bea to be the one to sort the other prisoners out, not get someone else to do it.

I hear her turn off the shower, after a minute of so, I hear my shower curtain open. I turn around to see Bea. She was only in a towel whilst I was full naked.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!"

She was mad, god knows why.

"Nothing, just a bit disappointed, I always thought you'd do you your own dirty work"

At that moment I realised I made her more mad, she dropped her towel and slammed my face up against the tiles.

"Do you want me to bash you, huh?"

Out of all things that could have come out of my mouth I chose to say:

"Is this getting you wet?"

She let go of me, then I turned around. She looked shocked, but she sure as hell had a great body. She grabbed her towel and walked out of the showers.

I finished showering, and turned off the water. I was bleeding right near the right eyebrow. I got out and went to the sink to see how bad the cut was. It wasn't that bad so I just got a wet cloth and put pressure on it.

Once I was finished I walked back to my cell, kaz was sitting there. I was hoping she wouldn't look over, last thing I wanted was there to be a fight.

"What the fuck happened?!"

I had to think of a lie quickly

"Oh, I slipped in the shower and bumped my head... it's alright though"

"Okay, we are going to dinner soon, so put all your stuff away"


I put all my stuff away and went to dinner with kaz and the group. Tonight's dinner was pasta and sausages. I dished myself up some and sat down I looked around and saw Bea sitting with a bunch of other women from her block.

I was quick to finish dinner, I just wanted to go to bed and sleep.
I walked back to my cell and sat on the bed thinking about Bea. Something happened between kaz and Bea but I wasn't quiet sure what it was. I couldn't help but to wonder what it could be. So many thoughts ran through my mind, then a knock at my cell, it was Kaz.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Can you do me a favour please?"

"Yeah of course Mumma, what?"

"Can you go to H4 and tell Bea I want to talk to her"

I was a bit worried since my first time meeting her, well seeing her didn't go down well.

"Umm, why can't you?"

"Because, I'm not really on the nice side of her at the moment.."

And I am? I thought

"And I guess your not going to tell me what happened are you?"

"No, but can you please?"

"Yeah, alright... wait now yeah?"

Kaz started laughing

"No next year.."

"Okay then"

I walked of laughing, but went back to serious when I came close to H4. I liked Bea, I don't think she liked me though, but she will come around... I will make sure of that.

-------------------------------------------- If you liked please let me know and I will write the next chapter ❤️️

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