Top dogs dirty work

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We had finished all our jobs so we decided to sit on a table in the exercise yard. Kaz was still shitty about what Bea got her transgender friend Maxine to do. Kaz sees Maxine as a guy, a guy who just bashed a woman in prison. Before we were in prison Bea was Red Right Hands hero, but not anymore in Kazs eyes.

"Do you still think she's a hero? Do you think that show that her and her little male thug just put on in there had any other purpose than to instil terror in us? Bea Smith the great protector and saviour. Champion of the oppressed. Top dog. The abused is now the abuser"

"Well Tina shouldn't have bought in the gear"  I mumbled.

Kaz looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Are you serious Allie? Bea got her male friend to bash Tina, can't you see what's wrong with that?"

"Tina knew the rules, she was the idiot that went against Bea" I said looking up at everyone

"Just saying..."

"Who's side are you on?!" Kaz said

Everyone from red right hand was looking at me, but not saying anything

"I'm gonna go to my cell"

Kaz looked at me and raised her brows in an unimpressed way. I walked off and sat in my cell. About 5 minutes later I have a knock on my door. It was Kaz

"Look if you're here to bitch about what I just said you can leave"

"No I wasn't, well kind of, but it's fine, I'm over it... you alright?"

I looked at Kaz confused

"Yeah? Why?"

"Just making sure.."

"Umm okay then...I'm gonna get changed and I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria okay?"


Kaz walked out and left me in my cell. I changed my clothes then headed to the cafeteria. When I got there it was obvious they were talking about Bea. Again.

"Yeah, but cou- hey al!"

"Let me guess, talking about Bea again?" I said jokingly as I walked by their table to go get some food

When I got up there I saw Bea sitting with her crew. I purposely went on the other side of the food where the carrots were so I was closer to Beas table. I looked back and smiled at her, surprisingly she smiled back. I grabbed a fork and sat down at my table.

I looked at Kaz and said

"You got to admit she's pretty impressive"

"Are you serious?"

"What? You thought she was shit hot too"

"Bubba that was before she used us and shocked us. She's the only reason we're in this place...She's obviously fucking Jacks"

"You think?" I said screwing up my face

"Her, Jackson,Vera. All in it together. We just need to take them down a peg or two"

I looked over at Bea who was distracted by boomer talking about god knows what. I was wondering what Kaz said was true about her and Mr J... I hope not.

Sorry if there are spelling mistakes! 😂

Wentworth: Bea and AllieWhere stories live. Discover now