Chapter 1

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"You have 3 minutes until your tickets are released". The checkout for one airplane ticket read. I can't wait to get out. I can't wait to get away from this too familiar town I've always called my home. "Thank you for purchasing a ticket to Los Angeles, California. You're flight will leave on August 25th at 5:00 AM. Have a good flight and thank you for choosing American Airlines."

I packed my stuff as quickly as I could, wasting no time. I jumped out my window and ran to my car. I want to get far away from this place. I want to run away. Why am I going to LA? I don't know. What's there for me? As far as I know, nothing, but running away to California just feels right.

I looked around at all the people boarding the plane along with me.

"I wonder if they're scared. I wonder if they're hurting as much as I am. I wonder if they're running away," I can't help but think to myself.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The sound of my alarm filled my room, ending my sweet slumber. I rolled over onto my side checking the time. 7:00 AM it read.

"Fuck it. I'm skipping!", I mumbled as I rolled back over, burying my face into my pillow.

"Blair, get up or I'm taking your phone. You are not missing a lot of school this year. Now get your lazy ass out of bed," charming. My mother continued her rant about how I missed too much school last year and how this year will be different.

"Mom I literally can't do this anymore! I'm dropping out and joining a nude society!" She rolled her eyes and walked out of my room, leaving me with my thoughts, and my wish for my dream to come true. Why can't life just be easy.

After my morning routine of frying the blonde disaster I call my hair and trying to make myself look at least a little attractive, I left, skipping breakfast, as always. Not forgetting to take my ADHD medicine, which kind of acts as a hunger controller and makes me not hungry. To be completely honest, that's the only reason I take it.

Aside from the early mornings and work, school isn't that bad. It's basically a big social event to me. Not that I even like half of the people that go to my school, but my group of friends is just different. We connect with each other in a weird way. We're all different than everybody else, and don't fit in, which is what brought us all together.

I just want to get through this week and see what this weekend will bring.

(Okay so chapter 1. I hope y'all like it (: also I'm wanting to make this book rated R when it gets more into it and detailed. So save it to your library and don't forget to VOTE!! Goodnight darlings xx.)

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