Fed Up

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Chapter Two- Fed Up

Adonis Kaufman

I pinch the bridge of my nose in irritation, slowly but surely, losing my patience with this woman. My wife, Evelyn, argues with me every fucking time I walk in the house. It has gotten so bad that we can barely stand to be in the same room with each other for more than twenty minutes tops. Usually, I just don't come home until the late hours of the night, partially because I'm completely swamped with work. For some reason today I decided to actually come home to my house; my office at the job isn't exactly homely. A man could only hope to come home to a non-hostile wife and a peaceful home. Although I knew it was only wishful thinking.

Honestly, I don't even know why the hell she's even mad in the first place, nor did I ask her either. Quite frankly I don't care, it's always something with this woman. I learned from her, that women tend to beat around the bush instead of giving straightforward answers when asking what's wrong them anyway.

She hasn't seen me in a full forty-eight hours so I couldn't have done anything wrong. I know her anger isn't from my absence, half of the time she doesn't usually notice that I'm gone. Other times she just can't wait until I leave.

"Adonis, stop reading that stupid book for one fucking second and have a real conversation with your wife." Evelyn demands, stomping her foot on the hardwood floor for emphasis. This is what I'm talking about, I specifically came down to my study to have some peace and quiet and here she is ruining it. Evelyn can obviously see that I am in no mood to try to carry a conversation with her. So my question is: why bother?

Without sparing her so much as a glance, I flick the crisp page of the latest novel I decide to venture into: The Coldest Winter Ever. I love the compelling rawness of urban fiction novels. The authors capture the realness of everyday life in the hood; something I can relate too. The novel is abruptly ripped from my grasp before I can actually start enjoying it. An aggravated growl escaped from my lips as I push my glasses further up my nose.

"Evelyn," I reply sharply, "give me my damn book back. I am trying my best to remain calm, but you are really pushing it." She took no regard to the warning evident in my tone. She continues to stare back at me with her cold icy glare; her silver color is tainted with undeniable rage. Evelyn tosses my book on the plush chair behind her and crosses her slender arms across her voluptuous chest. My eyes instantly follow her actions because her breasts are now threatening to spill out of her sheer white blouse. Due to our constant bickering I haven't had the pleasure of exploring her beautiful body.

"Pay attention to me, not my breasts Adonis." She drops her arms down to her side with a huff. I force myself not to roll my eyes as I stare back at her.

"God, I'm really fed up with this mess." I mutter. "What do you want Evelyn? I know you see me trying to enjoy the peace and quiet." Why can't she just get the memo that I would like to be left alone?

"I haven't seen you in two days. Two!" she screams. "Don't you think I deserve an explanation on where you were?" I shrug one of my shoulders in annoyance.

"No," I state plainly. "You don't seem to notice or care any other time, so why now."

"That's not the point here, Adonis. A man just doesn't stay away from his home, unless he is up to no good." She declares, placing her manicured hand on her hip. I smirk knowing exactly what she is accusing me of.

"Oh, yeah? That means I must have been getting in a shitload of trouble then, right? Take it as I was gone for two whole days without so much as a call." I smirk teasingly causing her bright caramel skin to flush with intense anger. Her fists quickly begin to clench at her sides.

"Fuck you, Adonis! I don't know why I even try work things out with you."

"Then stop, Evelyn, I am not forcing you to do anything." I stand to retrieve my book she threw then adds, "You can't fix what doesn't need fixing." She scoffs loudly accompanying it by a deadly glare, which I've had the pleasure of seeing many times before just as she storms out my office, slamming the glass door forcefully behind her. Thank god.

I know I can barely tolerate her now but our marriage hasn't always been this bad. At one point I actually loved and adored my wife. It's hard to believe because of how we are now but at one point I even thought we would become one of those couples that would stay married for years. That obviously isn't the case. Most would probably say I should just divorce her nagging ass since I'm clearly unhappy with her, but it is not that simple.

You see our marriage was initially a business arrangement. My father, Andre Kaufman, became friends with the son of a well-known lawyer. Their relationship eventually blossomed into a business partnership as the years went on; they eventually became partners of his father's law firm. Since my father and his partner knew that they would have to retire soon and give up their positions at the company, he came to his partner with a proposal. Andre knew that his partner's son was immature as well as irresponsible-which I later learned wasn't really the case, he just didn't want anything to do with the firm. So he suggested that once I graduate from law school, I should take full ownership of it. His partner pondered the idea for a few weeks before coming up with his answer. He too had a proposal of his own: I must wed his eldest daughter in exchange for complete ownership of the company.

Being a young handsome bachelor you could only imagine how I reacted to such an absurd idea. I mean I was only twenty-six years old, why in the hell would I want to be tied down to one person for the rest of my life? Just the mere thought of it was just stupid to me. From what I heard she was a wild child and her father wanted her to settle down. Upon first meeting her, I could tell she would be among the many women I messed with. My initial plan was to just fuck her and keep it moving but it didn't play out that way. My best friend and the son my father had been fussing about happened to be her half-brother. Knowing I couldn't do that to my friend's sister I decided to just marry the girl.

I kept my promise of commitment for the first two years of our marriage, because she was actually giving it up to me back then. Eventually my platonic feelings for her grew more intense and I started to take our marriage more seriously. It no longer just meant a business proposition; I fell in love with Evelyn as she did me. I even thought about starting a family with her, only at that time of course.

Then things just changed one morning, without any warning. It seems she just grew tired of me and wanted to go back to her old ways. I don't know why she did a one-eighty or how she just became an irritable bitch. I had been hurt but quickly had to get over it because there was no way I would let her see that it affected me so deeply. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of letting her see me in such a state. That is why I am the way I am now. This is why I say and do the things I do. She doesn't give a fuck about my feelings-well I no longer have those types of feelings toward her so she can't hurt me anymore- I damn sure don't care about her's.

I decided not to think of my dreadful wife anymore and pick up my phone, scrolling through my contact list. Placing the phone to my ear I hear the line ring three times before the person picked up the phone.

"Hey baby, I thought you were never going to call me back." The person cooed into the phone. Tiffany is my latest vixen I decided to pursue, who I met at a business conference. She's a petite brunette with a very curvaceous body I can't wait to explore.

Chuckling I reply, "I'll be over soon, be ready for me." I ordered.

"And I'll be waiting." She purred, seductively. I hang up the phone and stuff it in my pocket. A smirk was plastered on my face as I left my house. It's never too late to get back in the game.

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