Quit Frontin'

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Chapter Seven- Quit Frontin'

Aaliyah Moore


I stared aimlessly around the club. Due to it being a holiday, Halloween, this placed is beyond packed. This day was originally made for children of all sorts dressing up as make believe characters and going door to door begging for possibly poisonous candy.But in the adult world it's the perfect excuse for a girl to dress like a hoe without it being frowned upon too much. It isn't much of a change around here the outfits are just a tad bit more creative.

With that being said this place is crawling with drunken men practically drooling at the half naked women. Theres also a lot of tension in the air due to two rival gangs being in the same building together. This should be a fun night.

"Why so glum today babe?" Cameron asked making herself comfortable in the stool in front of me. She sipped her Long Island ice tea waiting for my response. I sighed and began wiping down the counter avoiding her eye contact.

"Nothing, Cameron," I say ready to end this conversation.

"Ah, lies. You're lying. Come on who do you think you are talking too?" I just rolled my eyes and remain silent. How do I explain something I don't truly know myself?

"Let me guess, is it school? Stressing you out?" I nod my head in a negative way. "Alright, is someone bothering you here because I'll handle it, you know that." I smirk.

"You know these bitches don't faze me none, Cameron," I retort with a laugh. We sat in silence after our laughter died down..I was silently praying that she would drop this conversation and move on.

"Ah, I know! You haven't been right since that Adrian guy and don't try to deny it."

"His name is Adonis." I silently cursed myself when her eyes lit up with amusement.

"See I knew it, you're stuck on stupid because of Mr. Married, so quit frontin'" she snickered causing me to groan. Its times like these that I wished that she didn't know me so well. I can't hide anything from her.

"I am not 'stuck on stupid' thank you very much. And furthermore I'm done talking about him."

I turn my back to her and pretend to straighten the various bottles of alcohol. Her giggles filled my ears further adding to my embarrassment. I don't know why her words are having such an affect on me when its not true.

"Yeah, whatever babe you like him, its written all over your face. But heed my warning babe marriages are sacred things messing with them could end really badly for you." She raised her half empty glass to me and sauntered off.

I roll my eyes, how hypocritical is it for her to tell me not to do something she has done and probably still does, who knows. Before I could truly get lost in my thoughts a patron called for me. I took a deep breath a mustered up the fakest smile ever.

"What can I get for you-what the hell do you want," I sneered quietly so that the other customers wouldn't hear.The obviously high patron smirked at my sudden switch of moods, only adding to my anger.

"I can't come visit my favorite person at work without being questioned?" he asked innocently still displaying that stupid smirk I've grown to hate. For the umpteenth time tonight I rolled my eyes.

"No you may not Malik. I am in no mood for your games tonight so just tell me why you are here." His hand clutched his heart in mock hurt.

"Ouch, Aaliyah. That really hurts me, you know that?" he said pointing to the heart I'm sure he lacks.

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