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I teleported back home I was sad to leave for some reason. As I was walking inside I heard arguing. I sighed that could only be Aurora and mother their fights were scary because they were both so calm while doing it.

I walked into the room and went up to mother and gave her a hug. "Hello darling." She said sweetly. I smiled at her and pulled away. "Hello mother." I said and lightly bowed my head.

"So let's talk." Mother said. "Mother the mate bond how do we break it." Aurora asked. I didn't really want to break it I enjoyed being pampered and I also liked earth. "You reject them. You say 'I your name reject their name as my mate.' But if you do that they will know you're not human, because humans don't have the internal power to be able to reject such powerful demons not only that they will know you knew that they weren't human. And you know the rules if your significant other isn't a god or goddess you can not tell them what you are until you seal the bond." Mother said. I looked at my sisters Aurora looked calm as always and Scarlett looked like she was ok.

"So what you're saying is that if we break the bond they find out we're not human. But it we don't we have to stay with them." Scarlett said. "Yes." Mother answered. "I'm fine with that." I said. "Yea me too. Alek is pretty cool." Scarlett said. I turned to look at Aurora but she looked calm and emotionless.

"Will you girls stay a little longer I haven't seen my babies in a long time I missed you." Mother said as she brought us in for a hug. I let out a small giggle. "Of course mommy/mom/mother." We all said.

One week later
"I'll miss you come visit me ok." Mother said. She kissed our foreheads and sent us back to earth.

"Oh god why did we let mother send us back." A very aggravated voice said I looked over to see Scarlett on the ground and Aurora sitting next to her. I also noticed we were in the middle of no where. "Mother may have a lot of knowledge but but her sense of location and direction is horrible." Aurora said with a sigh.

"I guess we have to teleport ourselves." Scarlett said. And in a few seconds I was back in Italy.

Did everyone make it I heard Auroras voice ask.
Yea/yep. Me and Scarlett answered.

I noticed my clothes were very dirty it looked like I was dragged through the mud. Gross. I stated walking towards the house and notice it looked very busy. Men and some women were running around frantically looking for something.

Hmm wonder what they're looking for. I thought to myself. I searched the people's faces to see if Cain was there. As I got closer I heard a booming voice. "I WANT TO SEE HER NEXT TO ME IN THE NEXT MINUTE AND IF NOT I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU." I ran towards the voice and was happy with what I saw. Cain. I ran up behind him and was about to hug him when I realized what he said.

"Cain that's not very nice." I said I was about to say more when he turned around at the speed of light and hugged me. He was making noises that sound like whimpering and growling in one. "Where were you." Cain asked. "I uh I went for a walk and got lost." I said quickly.

"So what are you looking for I could help." I said which earned a tight squeeze from him.

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