Chapter 1

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All students are required to assemble in the main church sanctuary on the second day of initiation to establish contracts between the Weapons and Wielders. Those are the categorizations the students are put through upon entry into the Warrior Academy. This prestigious academy is for those blessed with the ability to transform into weapons and those who are fated to be with those weapons. First years are 16 years of age at the least and they graduate as third years at the oldest 19 years of age. The first day of initiation is for the students to get used to the academy and the way of living as exorcists. This second day of initiation is called Assignment Day. Assignment Day is actually split up into two different days. Day One consists of those who are of noble blood and have better privileges. Day Two is for the lower class.

This is where we'll start our story; the root of all problems.

Day One passed without hitch, but everyone could feel something was going to happen on Day Two. No one knew exactly what, but that unspoken uneasiness was there nonetheless.

"Settle down and have a seat, young ones!" The abbess didn't have to yell for everyone to hear her—that's the kind of power she held in her voice. She was an elderly women with a round, slightly chubby face. A kind smile was ever present on those plump cheeks, like the woman never got angry.

At the front where the altar sat was a large mirror with an ornate border made of gold. Purified salt was scattered around the mirror in a set form. Two large stone angels stood guard facing each other in front of the whole set up.

Past that were the pews where the students sat. On one side the Weapons sat fidgety, waiting for their name to be called. That would seal their fates with the Wielders, who sat on the other side.

Names are called out and people are paired off. It's all the work of the mirror. Sir Isaac predicted all the fates of the future Weapons and Wielders 700 years in the past and the mirror relays them.

Long ago when man kind was weak and unable to properly protect themselves from evil, a knight rose above all. Sir Isaac tore through the battlefront and slew thousands of demons, effectively raising the spirits of his fellow knights. He helped eradicate the demons from the earth and send them back to their realm by exorcisms. His faith in humanity forced the low class demons to leave. After the war, he made an academy for the warriors. His wife was granted the power to take the form of a weapon, thus creating the Weapons and Wielders.

Although the Weapons were fidgety, they still quietly spoke to one another. The Wielders were freely talking about, not that worried about who they got stuck with.

"Seraphina Tsukino," flashed across the mirror's surface.

I stood solemnly. I honestly didn't care much who was going to be my Weapon. I had other things to worry about—like how I was going to get through this year without incident.

I entered the salt barrier and stood still as I was instructed. A chill licked my arms but I ignored it. It still crept me out how the mirror worked, though I kept my stoic mask up.

The mirror's surface wavered, like water being disturbed. A face and a name blurred into view.

"Taiga Kimura." I heard someone stand up on my left. I was about to turn to the person when the mirror fluctuated again. Another name and face showed up. I froze in place.

"Layton Jameson." The sanctuary slowly quieted down.

Reverend Mother Maris Stella simply reached through the barrier and set a hand on my shoulder. She smiled at me and urged me to go sit down. Knowing I would get strange looks, I sat all the way at the back where no one dared to sit. The air conditioner breeze made it impossible to keep warm. I happened to really like the cold, so it didn't matter as much to me. I glared at the students staring at me as I passed them.

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