Chapter Eleven: Email From The Angels

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Hellia Heaven Hermosa

When I stood to follow Killia, Levi stopped me.

"Here," he thrust a card into my hand.  I gave him a quizzical look.

"Sorry, but I don't want your phone number," I apologized, not feeling sorry at all.

"Yeah well, you're gonna need it when you change your mind about joining us," he replied.

"I don't think I'll change my mind," I scoffed.  He just smirked at me.  I growled, looked at the card and then ripped it up into a bunch of pieces.  "There, I have your phone number now, don't expect me to call you though."  I threw down the pieces and stomped on them.  Then I walked away.

🔥  🔥  🔥

As I drove us back home, Killia seem to be lost in thoughts.  I thought back to the time when I asked her what her answer will be.  She looked confused and guilty and wouldn't even look at me.  I mean, I know that she always wanted a normal life.  Killia never told me but as a professional silencer, I can pretty much tell.  If that's what she wants, then I'll give it to her.  I thought.  I smiled to myself.  On her eighteenth birthday, I'll give her the choice of either leaving to become an ordinary girl or stay as a silencer.  I wonder what she'll choose. 

"Hey, Killia, I'm going to run to the grocery store, you coming or are you going to stay in the hotel?"  I asked as I parked out in the front of our hotel.

"I'm going to stay," the way she said it was more like a question.

"'Kay, I'll be back in a half of hour, if everything goes according to plan," I informed her. 

She nodded, knowing that someone might try to kill me or try to hire me.  She got out of the car and went up to the hotel.  I watched her melt into the crowd, like she was part of the ordinary people.  I sighed to myself.  Her dream will come true soon.

🔥  🔥  🔥

Killian Kiki Killian

I flopped onto my bed, feeling depressed.  Why did I say no?  Remind me again.  I said to my brain, being sarcastic.  Because you don't want to- my brain started to tell me.  Shut up!  I know!  I commanded.  My brain fell silent.  Oh gosh, I'm going crazy.  I'm probably the only one in the whole wide world that talks to her brain that can actually talk back.  This is why you can't live a normal life.  I thought to myself.  I tried convincing myself that.  But I still wish I could...  I bolted upright, staring at my laptop.  It had blinked to life and a new email was in my inbox.  I didn't move for about five seconds but then got up and clicked on it.  Here's what it says:

    To: Kiki

    From: Angels

Huh, Angels?  Must be [The] Dark Angels.  I guess they don't want people to really know who they are if the boys accidentally sent the email to the wrong person...

    If your name is not Kiki, then please ignore this email.  If your name isn't Kiki and yet you insist on reading this...Well, the consequences aren't going to be exactly a walk in the park.  Just kidding, we know you're Kiki, now READ THIS!!!

"Um, I am?"  I said out loud, rolling my eyes.

    We understand that you want to live a normal life, be a normal kid, but you can't exactly be one if you're a silencer, now can you?

"No..."  I said slowly.  "Not really..."

    Well then, how about you come join us?  Even though we're silencers too, we won't need you to work all the time.  Just like, once a week.  And the pay will be the same as for when you work for Heaven!

"I don't work for Heaven, I work with Heaven!"  I growled angrily.

    Not only that, but on your free time (which is basically 90% of your time with us), you can pursue your dream of being an ordinary girl in an ordinary world.

That...That sounds like Heaven.  Not the person Heaven, but the place Heaven, ya know what I mean?  Nevermind, let's continue.

    If you want to join us in order to become who you wanted to become, then when you come back to New York City, we will tell you your...entry fee.

"What?!  There's an entry fee?!"  I half shouted, outraged.  "What kind of crazy people are you?!"

    If you want to call us, just ask Heaven for our phone number.

"Why on Earth would Heaven have your phone number?"  I murmured to myself.  "If you gave her your phone number in order to try to date her, you're out of luck, sorry."  My eyes widened and I facepalmed myself.  "I really am going nutso.  Stop talking to yourself!"  I ordered.

     Until next time!

With lots of love,

💕 The Beautiful Angels 💕

I stared in disbelief at that last part.  Who the Hell wrote this email?!  "Must be Chase," I grumbled.  "That guy never takes anything seriously."  I shook my head and deleted the email in case Hellia used my laptop.  Of course, I'll have to do better than that to keep Hellia from seeing the now-deleted email but why would she snoop around in my mail anyways? 

"Killllliaaaa!"  A pretty feminine voice sing-songed from the kitchen.  "I'm baaaack!"

"Well, someone is happy!"  I shouted back.

"They served free ice cream!  That's why!"  She laughed, her laughter so carefree that I did a doubletake.  Is this really Hellia?  Of course, it must be. 

"WHAT?  AND YOU DIDN'T CALL ME SO I CAN GET SOME TOO?!"  I yelled angrily, stomping into the kitchen.

"Nah, why should I?"  Hellia questioned.  "I brought back a few buckets full of ice cream."  I ripped open two bags, and they proved her words.  Except few means three but she brought home seven buckets instead.

"Aw," I pouted.  "That little?"  I grabbed a bucket and a spoon then sat down on the sofa, digging into the pistachio ice cream.

"I didn't like the other flavors," Hellia informed me.  She also grabbed one - mint chocolate chip - and sat down next to me.  "Why are you eating it like that?"  She asked curiously.

"What?"  I felt a little self-conscious.  What am I doing wrong?

"This," Hellia exclaimed, "is how you're supposed to eat ice cream."  Only then did I notice she didn't take a spoon.  Shoving her hand into the ice cream with a blank face, then taking out a fistful and stuffed her mouth, not once changing the expression on her face.

I laughed at the scene.  "Okay!"  I threw my spoon into the sink and copied Hellia's movements.  "This is-ah!  It's so cold!"  I yelped.  Hellia grinned.  I ignored the ice cold pinpricks on my hand and shove the fistful of ice cream into my mouth.  "Mmm, gis is so gomf,"  I tried to say with my mouth full of ice cream. 

"Hey!  Don't talk with your mouth full," Hellia teased.  I opened my mouth carefully and stuck my tongue out, making sure she can see the ice cream in my mouth but also trying to keep it in my mouth.  "Ugh, gross!"  Hellia wrinkled her nose and laughed, not finding this gross at all. 

"So, when are we going back to New York?"  I asked, swallowing my mouthful of ice cream.

"First thing tomorrow morning," Hellia answered, trying to grab more ice cream but then gave up and smashed the bucket into her face.  I couldn't tell what she was doing but I heard chewing sounds so I guess she was eating the ice cream.  I rolled my eyes and got up to clean myself up and then go pack.

"Don't forget to pack up all of your belongings!"  I called over my shoulder.

"Mmmm!"  Hellia grunted, lifting the bucket off her face.  Splatters of ice cream was across her cheeks and chin.  "Okay!"  I laughed at her childish actions and left.

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