Chapter Twelve: I Never Knew Betrayal Would Hurt This Much

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                   Hellia Heaven Hermosa

I was having a funny feeling ever since I came back to the hotel. At first I thought it was just because of something in the air in the hotel, since a lot of people come in and out all the time. But now as I am driving back home, to our house, I still couldn't shake off that uneasy feeling. What is going on? I also noticed that Killia was acting a bit...differently ever since I came back from the market. I was getting frustrated, a habit that I get when I can't solve something.

"Um, are you okay?" Killia asked. I managed a small smile.

"Oh, I'm fine," I waved away her concern. I wanted to talk to her about it but decided not to. After all, she was in a pretty good mood and I didn't want to ruin that by telling her about a feeling. Maybe it'll go away soon. Maybe. Maybe...

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"So...Hellia..." Killia started.

"Yeah?" I muttered, putting back my laptop in its place and plugged it.

"Can I have [The] Dark Angels' phone number?..." She asked awkwardly.

My head snapped up to look at her, "What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah..." She mumbled, staring at the floor and shuffling her feet. I shrugged, not really questioning her and rattled off the numbers. "Thanks..." She whispered before dashing out the door. I stared in confusion after her. What the actual f***? Shrugging, I turned back around and returned to unpacking my stuff.

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Killia Kiki Killian

Oh thank God Hellia didn't notice anything. The scared girl in me breathed. Actually, she was kinda...disturbed in the car. The spy in my countered. And you two can shut up so I won't be so nervous! I said. I walked into my room and locked the door. I went on my phone and texted [The] Dark Angels, breathing heavily, nervous what would happen if Hellia busted open the door and caught me. Taking a deep breath, I texted them.

I'm home, what's the entry fee? I waited impatiently for their reply.

Hmm, so you're actually considering about joining us? One of the original members texted back. The most likely people who would be texting me is Connell or Levi.

Duh. Now hurry up, you're wasting my time. I answered.

Okay, the entry fee is some Top Secret files from the SK Agency. They replied. I sucked in a surprised breath when I saw the picture they sent me.

Sure, I'll get them. Where do I meet you? I asked.

When you have the files, text us and then meet us in front of the South Gate at our base. I put away my phone and laid down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. My heart sank at the thought of breaking into one of the most dangerous places on Earth for a silencer like me. Without Hellia's help. This is going to be hard...

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Hellia Heaven Hermosa

I was having that weird feeling again. When Killia appeared in my room once again with a strange look on her face, I knew something was terribly wrong. But I didn't ask her what was wrong, obviously.

"Hey, what's up?" I chirped.

"Um, have you ever broke into the SK Agency before?" She asked, tracing her foot on my rug.

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