Ryan Reynolds

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Being Ryan Reynolds co-star and him being nervous because he has to kiss you

"Hey Ryan! You ready for today's scene?"

"Yeah it's gonna be fun." He says but something seems a little off to you considering he is usually playful and cracking jokes but now he seems nervous and won't make eye contact with you.

"What's wrong Ryan?" You ask

"What do–" He begins before you cut him off 

"Don't play dumb Ryan." You tell him sternly.

"Fine." He sighs "In the scene today we have to kiss and I'm nervous." He says a little embarrassed.

You are a little confused as to why he is nervous so you tell him 

"1. Don't worry I'm an excellent kisser" you joke 

"and 2. I'm just another actress I mean after all it's not like this is your first movie or your first kiss, come on you got nothing to worry about." You nudge him a litter

But what you didn't know at the time is that in the short amount of time you knew Ryan, you had become something more to Ryan than just another co-star.

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