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Percy Jackson-The kid that always get in trouble. The one that never listens in class and won't do his homework, or so people think. Little do they know that he has ADHD and is dyslexic. He has so much trouble reading so he created this figure out of himself, one that doesn't follow the rules and appears to be an all around bad boy, yet he to has a broken past.

Annabeth Chase- The good girl, the one that gets straight A's and never gets in trouble. The one that has no friends and won't stick up for herself went she gets bullied. They don't know a thing about her, her abusive stepmom, her missing mom, and her absent father. They would never get her, or so she thinks.

Piper McLean- The popular kid because of her father. No other reason. She puts up this act that she's a bully. She wants someone to reach out to but she doesn't want the other populars to make fun of her. She has an abusive boyfriend that everyone thinks is so nice, even the teachers. Her father never talks to her and she has no one and feels so alone...

Jason Grace-The jock that has a crush but can't get her. His mom abandoned him after his dad left, he doesn't have any family, until he meets Thalia. But he still feels alone. He wants the girl. He wants to get different friends. His are rude and bullies. He, like the rest, feel so alone.

Leo Valdez-The class clown. The guy that can make anyone laugh. But little do they know how broken he is. He uses humor to hide his pain. He has never been in one place for long. He plans on leaving here soon but someone stops him. The new girl. Her hair, her eyes, the way she find Leo so annoying yet funny at the same time. He thinks he should stay for a while longer.

Calypso Moonlace-They think of her as the new kid that doesn't want to hang out. With anybody. Ever. There is a reason but no one knows it or that there even is a reason. Her mother left her and her father's cousin left her on an island sense she was 5 she just got back and no nothing of the real world she hates her father and doesn't want to go to school but she must.

Frank Zhang-The big baby. That's what everyone calls him. The giant, the baby. They don't know his father left him before he was born and his mother died in Afghanistan fighting for this country. Or the fact that his grandmother is on her deathbed. He has to rush home everyday to take care of her and her feisty temper. They don't know a thing about him.

Hazel Levesque- Miss. Gem they call her. Every day she wears these diamond encrusted necklace, bracelet, and earrings. They don't know why they just make fun of her for it or beg her to be their friend because they think she's rich. They don't know that these are the last thing from her dead mother that she has. Her dad left her before she was born.

Thalia Grace-Goth girl. Wears black everyday and only talks to one person. Has an attitude to cover up the loss of her brother and mother. Her dad abandoned her only to come back and have another baby with her mom. He left and her mom became a drunk abandoning her baby brother.

Luke Castellean-Talks to some people. Not a lot though. He hates his father and ran away from his mother. He became bitter and stopped talking to most people. He blames his father, but can he pull through in the end and realize the truth?

Rachel Dare-A huge flirt. Will flirt with anyone and has dated and dumped pretty much everyone. She has a reason. Her father is a rich man a wants her to go to a preppy school. She would rather live this lie than be forced to become something she's not.

Will Solace-The sunshine of the school. He's in band and orchestra. He even helps out in the nurses office a lot. He has a secret though. He's gay and has his eyes set on someone, but knows he will never get him. That's what he thinks. 

Nico Di Angelo-Emo. Punk. Alone. Loser. He hears it all. He has a crush that was quickly demolished. His sister died during a bank robbery and his mother died when she got struck by lighting. His father is a rich man that is never there so he stays, alone, at his father's mansion.

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano-Heart broken. She loves people but they never give it back. Until she meets him. She thinks he's the one. But little does she know how cruel he can be. Her older sister got a job at a shipping company and doesn't look after her anymore. Her father died and her mother left her. She has no one to turn to.

Their story will be told through the pages of this book, so hold on tight and maybe you can find out what will happen. Keep reading to find out.

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