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I got detention...again. Really it's not my fault. My mom made these awesome blue cookies and so I couldn't finish my homework. I head to the detention room at Seaside High. Seaside High was this big, two story, blue building. I didn't really deserve detention, I only forgot my homework, for the 5th time, in a row, that week. Anyway I walk into the room expecting to be alone, as usual, but some one is sitting at the back trying not to be noticed, but it was kinda hard because they were sitting in my detention seat. I always sit there. No one knows it but I do. 

"Hey," I say as I walk over there, weird they're looking out the window with their hoodie drawn over his/her's head so I can't see who it is, "that is my seat, I sit there all the time, so if you could just scoot over a seat that would be great."

"O-oh, it is? I'll just move then." The voice is unmistakably feminine.

She gets up and her hoodie falls off her head showing a mop of blonde, princess curly hair. I instantly recognize her because there is only one person in the school with that kind of hair.


She turns to face me and smiles weakly. "Yeah?"

"What're you doing in here?" I exclaim.

"I may have punch Rachel in the face for calling Hazel a daddy's girl and then saying, 'Oh wait you're dad's never there is he?" She said the last part in a girly voice that perfectly imitated Rachel. I laugh. See, me and Annabeth used to be friends then, he, happened and I shut everyone out, including her which was the hardest thing I have ever done.

We stand there awkwardly for a minute. 

"I'll just sit over there," Annabeth points across the room.

"No, no it's OK you can sit here I'll sit here," I say gesturing to the seat next to her. She smiles and that brightens up my day. I may or may not have a crush on her. I would ask her out but, her eyes scare the crap out of me. Like seriously, why are they so intimidating? They're like a storm when she's angry and a cloudy day that you know is going to be good when she laughs. 

As she smiles I watch her, the way her eyes crinkle and her dimples on her tan skin, gods she's gorgeous. Ugh I sound like a love sick freak.

She sit's down and I sit down. Mrs. Brown walks in. Oh good, she let's us talk, whenever there was someone to talk to, so never, but she does let me listen to my music.

I turn to Annabeth but she's looking out the window again. So, I stare at the way her blond curls fall over her shoulders like a waterfall. Or the way her legs are crossed underneath the desk. Or the way she's slightly sitting on her side.

"Percy?" Mrs. Brown calls, "can you come up here." 

I nod still looking at her. Then I registered what she said and I ran up to the front of the room trying not to trip. 

"Yes?" I quickly, I want to see Annabeth again.

Mrs. Brown smirks, "Why are you staring at Ms. Chase like she's a fresh blue cake that your mom just pulled out of the over?" 

I feel my cheeks heat up, see Mrs. Brown is one of the only people that knows a my mom's blue food and about how much I love them. 

"I-I w-was ju-just, umm," I sigh. I have to tell someone and Mrs. Brown already knows a lot about me. 

"I have a little crush on her," I say in a whisper, " But don't tell anyone," I give her my famous baby seal eyes that I only give to my family and friends, if I had any, friends that is.

"I won't but Annabeth is a smart girl and if you keep staring at her she'll eventually figure it out, OK?" I nod not wanting Annabeth to hear. "Go back to your seat, and don't stare." I nod again and head back to my seat.

Annabeth looked at me. She raised her eyebrow (creepy how she can do that) "What was that about?" she asked.

"Mrs. Brown wanted to know why you were in here and she said we could talk to each other," I rush my words.

Instead of lowering her eyebrow she raises it higher if that's even possible. It was my turn to smile weakly. I know she doesn't believe me about why I went up there but doesn't push. 


We start talking about how schools been and Annabeth scolds me for not getting my work done. She used to tutor me but then I pushed her away and she stopped. I don't know how but we started telling jokes. I told Annabeth one of my famous ocean jokes and she laughed. She was absolutely beautiful when she laughed. Her eyes crinkled around the corners, slightly closed, her mouth was smiling a wide smile and her laugh was clear and gorgeous, the sound of pure happiness. I know it was a stupid jokes but I couldn't help feeling proud that I made her laugh. 

"Why you staring Seaweed Brain?" she teased. I stuck my tongue out at her, but my face was heating up. When she saw my face she started laughing again. I couldn't help it, I just couldn't stop staring at her. Her tan skin, her blond princess curls, her stormy gray eyes that looked like that were thinking a million things at once.

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