Chapter Sixteen

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I take my card from the ATM slot, reaching down for the money dispensed and stuff it into an envelope. Turning with a smile, I pick up my travel bag off the ground and move so the next person can use it. Sticking my wallet and the envelope back into my purse, I begin to walk back towards Matteo's apartment.

                                              * * * *

"You ready to go?" Matteo questions, as soon as he opens the door. He's mouthwatering in all black, head to toe, topped with a leather jacket the same color. I find it hard to answer him when he smiles, warmly.

"I am so ready," I reply as he turns only behind him, lifting his bag off the ground. It's much smaller than mine but that's to be expected. I'm a heavy traveler. He shuts the door, locking it and turns to me, holding out his hand. Whoa. I blink, trying to conceal my surprise and take it as we walk towards the elevator.

                                             * * * *

"I didn't know you owned a car," I murmur playfully, stepping into his Mercedes. "Didn't you tell me the guy who wouldn't let me through at the show is your bodyguard?"

He looks down at me, arm rested on the passenger door. "Harold, yes but only for high profile events. I can't stand to have someone follow me, except when I'm there."

"Why? Scared of the groupies?" I tease, earning a pointed look. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"You know I don't like speaking to anyone. He helps keep them away."

I smirk as he shuts the door and comes around to the driver side. He opens the door and I say, "I can't believe you have a bodyguard so people won't come near you. They only want to compliment you."

"That's not always the case. There are many people who don't like me."

"Who wouldn't like you?" I ask, gaping playfully.

"I believe you actually couldn't stand me when you actually met me, if I can recall," he says, laughing. I lean my head back against the seat as he reverses, nodding.

Yes, I couldn't stand him. But I'm here... And he's changed.

I know he's changing. In a week, he's shown me he's more than capable of change. He's letting me in. I tilt my head to look at him, finding him staring, eyes cloudy with concern.


"Where did you go?"

I shake my head, smiling reassuringly. I reach over onto his lap, entwining my fingers with his. "Nowhere. I'm here."

                                            * * * *

Trees, some in the awkward stage between fall and winter, where they're half-full, half-empty are plentiful as we turn onto a dirt road. The area is rather secluded, apart from the many cabins on the way up the hills. I smile, peering out the window as we bump along the path towards a small wooden structure. It looks straight from a fairytale. The trees bare, leaves decorating the ground and the only light lit on the porch, I know it's going to be beautiful inside.

I glance at Matteo, excitedly and he smiles admirably, parking. I can barely conceal my glee as I open the door, letting the chilly air in. "It's beautiful."

He opens his door and climbs out with me. We reach each other at the front of the car and I move towards him, sliding my arm around his waist, resting my head against his body. We step up the stairs into the wrap-around porch and he lets me go to retrieve the key from the lockbox. I become distracted by the view on the edge of the porch and walk over to it. It's a mountain view. I'm able to see the other cabins secluded over the hills. I gape, shaking my head in awe.

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